What's new ?



Update of the calibration lamps, pointing and offset data up to January 11, 2003. Download everything from the latest versions page.
The fit to the pointing data returned by eit_point.pro now includes 12 fourier components (returned by eit_coord_fitparam.pro) instead of 10 to better reproduce the long term oscillations in Y.

12-Aug-2003 Modified eit_fillmissingblocks.pro.

Update of the calibration lamps, pointing and offset data up to January 11, 2003. Download everything from the latest versions page.
A few links modified throughout the site.

8-Jan-2003 Update of the calibration lamps, pointing and offset data up to July 20, 2002. Download everything from the latest versions page.
4-Sep-2002 Update of the calibration lamps, pointing and offset data up to July 20, 2002. Download everything from the latest versions page.
19-Aug-2002 New Interface for the list of calibration lamps.
16-Aug-2002 New Interface for the EIT software Listings. From now on, the listings will be rebuilt automatically with each software update.

Update of the calibration lamps, pointing and offset data up to June 30, 2002. Download everything from the latest versions page.

13-Aug-2002 Update of the calibration lamps, pointing and offset data up to June 27, 2002. Download everything fromthe latest versions page.
12-Aug-2002 Update of the calibration lamps, pointing and offset data up to June 15, 2002. Download everything from the latest versions page.
9-Aug-2002 New page with a regularly updated plot of the EUV degradation of the CCD.
29-Jul-2002 Two new routines in the latest versions page, eit_lampexpt.pro and eit_readcal.pro. These two are not used directly by the calibration software.
24-Jul-2002 Redesigned pointing page. Now includes information on the four quadrants.
Some cosmetic changes.

Update of the calibration lamps, pointing and offset data up to May 31, 2002. Download everything fromthe latest versions page.

2-apr-2002 Global update of the cal lamps, pointing and CCD offset information.

eit_norm_response.pro updated to take into account a weak wavelength dependence of the CCD visible to EUV response relationship. See the latest versions page.


Several updates in the latest versions page.
Updated references.


This page.
New routines in the latest versions page.
New sofware upgrade instructions for the EIT planners

20-dec-2001 Two new pages designed to display the latest pointing and CCD offset.

Some more information on the reformatter.
Modified layout of the calibration section.

16-dec-2001 Updated references.

All new EIT User's Guide.

There was a major software upgrade on Dec. 10, 2001. The new version is NOT backwards compatible. If you are currently using the EIT software in your programs, they may not work properly with the new version if you don't follow these upgrade instructions.


Web curator: Frédéric Auchère
Responsible NASA official: Joseph B. Gurman, Facility Scientist, Solar Data Analysis Center
+1 301 286-4767
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Solar Physics Branch / Code 682
Last revised: Thursday, February 12, 2004 6:28 PM - F. Auchère