function eit_lampexpt, t ;+ ;NAME ; eit_lampexpt ;PURPOSE ; corrects the calibration lamp exposure time for the response time of the lamp's circuit. ;INPUTS ; t = exposure time as recorded in the header ;OUTPUTS ; returns the corrected exposure time ;KEYWORDS ; none ;CREATION ; 29-Jul-2002. F. Auchere ;MODIFICATIONS ; ;- t1 = 0.325648 t2 = 0.700706 n = n_elements(t) dummy = fltarr(n) part1 = where(t ge t2, c1) part2 = where((t gt t1) and (t lt t2), c2) if c2 ge 1 then dummy[part2] = 0.5*(t[part2]^2.0 - t1^2.0)/(t2 - t1) + t1*(t[part2] - t1)/(t1 - t2) if c1 ge 1 then dummy[part1] = 0.5*(t2^2.0 - t1^2.0)/(t2 - t1) + t[part1] - t2 - t1 if n eq 1 then return, dummy[0] else return, dummy end