Search the SDAC BATSE Solar Flare Data Catalog

Search the SDAC BATSE Solar Flare Catalog

Welcome to the SDAC BATSE Solar Flare Catalog Search Form. This form allows you to search the BATSE Solar Flare Catalog and retrieve information and plots on selected flares. The default is a boolean "AND" search and you can select "Time", "Flare peak time", "Flare duration", "Peak rate", "Total counts", "BATSE burst trigger" and/or "BATSE flare number". The output can be sorted by "Time", "Peak rate", "Total counts", "Duration", "Burst trigger" or "Flare number", and you can include links to GIF and PS plots of each flare as observed by the BATSE Large Area Discriminators (DISCLA).
For users not too familiar with BATSE data we have a basic search form.

Start: , : UT
End: , : UT
Flare peak time : - : UT
Flare duration: s through s
Peak rate: counts/s through counts/s
Total counts: counts through counts
BATSE burst trigger: through
BATSE flare number: through

Sort the output by: Include links to archive plots in GIF and PS formats


Please send your comments to Rita Johnson at
SDAC BATSE page SDAC home page.

Web curator: Amy Skowronek
Responsible NASA official: Joseph B. Gurman, Facility Scientist, Solar Data Analysis Center
+1 301 286-4767

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Solar Physics Branch / Code 612.1
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Last updated 1-Feb-2005 - Amy Skowronek