Solar Discipline News


[New] The Solar-B model contract

[New]HESSI ground-based support opportunity

An opportunity to upgrade or modify ground-based instrumentation (and relevant software) to support the HESSI SMEX mission, due for launch in mid-2000, has been added to the ROSS-98 NRA.

NASA FY 1998 SOHO Guest Investigator Program details

Letters announcing the results of the U.S. competition for Fiscal Year (FY) 1998 awards from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) Guest Investigator Program (GIP) in Solar Physics were mailed by NASA Headquarters to proposal Principal Investigators on February 27, 1998. These awards were made on the basis of offerings submitted in response to NASA Research Announcement NRA-97-OSS-08. Available U.S. FY 1998 SOHO GIP funding was $2.1 M, one-half each from NASA Headquarters and from the GSFC SOHO Project. Selections were based on this budget figure.

Proposals describing 50 investigations were received in the U.S. competition for FY 1998 funding from the SOHO GIP. Total FY 1998 funding requested was $2.6 M. All proposals were rated in a peer review of their scientific merit. Proposals from the U.S. and other nations were reviewed together cooperatively by NASA and ESA. The assignment of ratings was based on requirements set out in the NRA. Selection for funding from among scientifically competitive proposals is typically based on a combination of programmatic, budgetary and operational considerations. The available funding proved sufficient to allow selection of 20 of these proposals for NASA Headquarters SOHO Program Office funding. Another 21 of the highest-ranked proposals will be supported using SOHO Project funds as a continuation of PI Team activities. All awards were for one-year investigations; these are listed below. All but one of the selected proposals were funded at the levels requested by the proposer. Principal Investigators with proposals not funded but judged to lie in the competitive range were invited to participate in the SOHO GIP by contacting SOHO PI's, if their efforts could be supported by some other means.

A further opportunity to propose for SOHO GIP funding for FY 1999 appears in the Research Opportunities in Space Science (ROSS 98) NRA.

U.S. SOHO Guest Investigator Program Investigations Selected for FY 1998 funding

Principal InvestigatorInstitutionProposal Title
Aschwanden, Markus J.University of Maryland 3-Dimensional Analysis of Active Regions Loops and Tests of Coronal Heating Models
Ayres, Thomas R.University of Colorado The SOHO-Stellar Connection
Brosius, Jeffrey W.Raytheon STX Coronal Magnetography of Solar Active Regions Using Coordinated SOHO/CDS and VLA Observations
Brown, Timothy M.NCAR/HAO Sources of Original and Scattered P-Mode Energy
Burkepile, JoanNCAR/HAO A Study of the Origin and Dynamics of Coronal Mass Ejections
Combi, Michael R.U. Michigan SOHO Guest Investigator Study of Hydrogen Lyman-alpha Emission in Comets with SWAN
Cook, John W.NRL Absolute Intensity Calibration of the EIT Instrument
Däppen, WernerU. Southern California Equation of State Studies Using SOHO Data
Davila, Joseph M.GSFC Fundamental Parameters of Quiescent Prominences from EUV Observations
Esser, RuthSAO Solar Wind Acceleration from the Upper Chromosphere to the Corona in Coronal Hole Regions
Feldman, UriNRL The Temperature Dependence of the Electron Density in the Solar Upper Atmosphere
Fisher, George H.U. Calif. Berkeley Intensity Distribution of the Solar Transition Region
Gopalswamy, N.Catholic U. of America A Study of the Cooler Solar Plasmas Using Microwave Data in Conjunction with SOHO Observations
Habbal, Shadia R.SAO Characteristics of the Time Variable Component of the Coronal Heating Process
Hassler, Donald M.Southwest Research Institute Polar Plumes, Dark Lanes and High Speed Streams: Structure and Dynamics of Coronal Holes with SOHO
Hick, P. PaulU. Calif. San Diego Coronal Reconstruction using LASCO and UVCS Observations
Hsieh, K. C.U. Arizona Solar and Heliospheric Energetic Ions via Energetic Neutral Atoms Using CELIAS/SOHO
Kiplinger, AlanU. Colorado Solar and Interplanetary Optical Support for SOHO
Korzennik, Sylvain G.SAO Seismic Study of the Dynamics of the Solar Subsurface from SOHO Observations
Kundu, Mukul R.U. Maryland Two Unsolved Problems in Solar Physics
Lang, Kenneth R.Tufts U. VLA/SOHO Observations of the Solar Corona
Lindsey, Charles A.Solar Physics Research Corp. Seismic Holography of Solar Activity
Lites, Bruce W.NCAR/HAO Heating and Dynamics of the Magnetized Solar Chromosphere
Longcope, Dana W.Montana Stata U. Topology and Reconnection in a Survey of X-ray Bright Points
Mariska, John T.NRL Coronal Hole Dynamics
Mikic, ZoranSAIC Comparing 3D MHD Models of the Solar Corona with SOHO Observations
Möbius, EberhardU. New Hampshire Study of Interstellar Pickup Ion Distributions with the SOHO CELIAS Sensors and the Solar EUV Monitor
Mullan, Dermott J.U. Delaware Deuterium in the Sun: Cosmological Implications and Convection Dynamics
Ofman, LeonRaytheon STX Signatures of Nonlinear Waves in Coronal Plumes and Holes
Ogawa, Howard S.U. Southern Calif. Analysis of Solar EUV and Soft X-Ray Emission Variation Observed from the CELIAS/SEM Aboard SOHO
Pap, Judit M.U. Calif. Los Angeles Automated Recognition and Characterization of Solar Active Regions Based on the SOHO/MDI Images
Porter, Jason G.MSFC Microflares in Low-Lying Core Fields and Extended Coronal Heating
Rust, David M.JHU/APL A Search for Toroidal Magnetic Fields in the Solar Photosphere
Schmelz, Joan T.U. Memphis New Diagnostic Constraints for Coronal Heating and Loop Dynamics Models
Seely, John F.NRL Structure of the Solar Corona Determined by SUMER Line Profiles
Sheeley, Neil R.NRL The Analysis of Coronal Ejecta
Siegmund, Oswald H. W.U. Calif. Berkeley An Observational Test of Transition Region Lines as a Pressure Gauge
Tobiska, W. KentTelos Corporation Application of SOHO Data to Soft X-Ray and EUV Irradiance Modeling
Wang, HaiminNew Jersey Inst. Tech Study of Filament Eruptions and Coronal Mass Ejections by Joint BBSO/SOHO Observations
Wang, HaiminNew Jersey Inst. Tech BBSO Coordinated Study on H-Alpha and UV Jets
White, Stephen M.U. Maryland Coronal Heating and Temperature Distributions

NASA FY 1998 Solar Physics SR&T and Suborbital Program details

Selection for the FY 1998 Solar Physics ST&T and Suborbital programs are detailed on a separate page.

NASA FY 1997 SOHO Guest Investigator Program details

Letters announcing the results of the U.S. competition for Fiscal Year (FY) 1997 awards from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) Guest Investigator Program (GIP) in Solar Physics were mailed by NASA Headquarters to proposal Principal Investigators on January 31, 1997. These awards were made on the basis of offerings submitted in response to NASA Research Announcement NRA-96-OSS-09. Available U.S. FY 1997 SOHO GIP funding was $1.58 M. Selections were based on this budget figure.

Proposals describing 68 investigations were received in the U.S. competition for FY 1997 funding from the SOHO GIP. Many of these were in non-traditional solar physics areas involving comets, stars, interstellar dust, etc. Total FY 1997 funding requested was $3.8 M. All proposals were rated in a peer review of their scientific merit. Proposals from the U.S. and other nations were reviewed together cooperatively by NASA and ESA. The assignment of ratings was based on requirements set out in the NRA. Selection for funding from among scientifically competitive proposals is typically based on a combination of programmatic, budgetary and operational considerations. The available funding proved sufficient to allow selection of 31 proposals for the one-year investigations which are listed below. All but one of the selected proposals were funded at the levels requested by the proposer. Principal Investigators with proposals not funded but judged to lie in the competitive range were invited to participate in the SOHO GIP by contacting SOHO PI's, if their efforts could be supported by some other means.

Further opportunity to propose for SOHO GIP funding for FY 1998 will be dependent on the availability of funds for this purpose and on plans for extension of the SOHO operations beyond the prime mission phase. Pertinent information may appear in the 1997 NRA for the Sun-Earth Connections Supporting Research and Technology, Suborbital, and Guest Investigator Programs, which is expected to be released in spring 1997.

U.S. SOHO Guest Investigator Program Investigations Selected for FY 1997 funding

InvestigatorInsitutionProposal Title
Aschwanden, Markus J.University of Maryland Multi-Loop Models of Active Regions using EUV, SXR, and Radio Images
Ayres, Thomas R.University of Colorado The Solar-Stellar Connection
Burkepile, JoanNational Center for Atmospheric Research A Study of the Origin and Dynamics of Coronal Mass Ejections
Combi, Michael R.University of Michigan Study of Hydrogen Lyman-alpha Emission in Comets with SWAN
Däppen, WernerUniversity of Southern California Equation of State Studies Using SOHO Data
Elmore, DavidNational Center for Atmospheric Research Application of a Matrix-Based Polarization Calibration Technique to the Large Angle Spectroscopic Coronagraphs
Emslie, A. GordonUniversity of Alabama, Huntsville Energy Balance in Solar Structures
Esser, RuthHarvard-Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Solar Wind Acceleration from the Upper Chromosphere to the Corona in Coronal Hole Regions
Feldman, UriNaval Research Laboratory The Temperature and Height Dependence of the Solar FIP Effect
Goldstein, BruceJet Propulsion Laboratory Properties of Near Solar Dust from LASCO Observations
Gruntman, Michael A.University of Southern California Study of Neutral Gas and Dust in the Sun's Vicinity by SWAN/SOHO
Guhathakurta, MadhulikaCatholic University of America Interpretation of White Light Coronagraph (WLC) Data with an Advanced MHD Model
Habbal, Shadia RifaiHarvard-Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Exploration of the Characteristics of the Time Variable Component of the Coronal Heating Process
Harvey, John W.National Optical Astronomy Observatories Solar Oscillation Background Spectrum and Time-Distance Helioseismology
Harvey, Karen L.Solar Physics Research Corporation A Study of the Process of Magnetic Flux Disappearance in Canceling Bipoles
Hill, FrankNational Optical Astronomy Observatories The Relationship Between Wave Energy and Cool Regions in the Solar Chromosphere
Jackson, Bernard V.University of California, San Diego Coronal Velocity Determination Using Two-Dimensional Correlation Techniques
Judge, Phillip G.National Center for Atmospheric Research Dynamics and Structure of the Solar Atmosphere
Klimchuk, James A.Naval Research Laboratory Filling Factors of Coronal Loops Observed by the Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer
Lang, Kenneth R.Tufts University VLA/SOHO Investigations of the Solar Atmosphere
Lindsey, Charles A.Solar Physics Research Corporation Helioseismic Holography
Mariska, John T.Naval Research Laboratory Solar Transition Region and Coronal Dynamics
McAllister, Alan H.Helio Research Small-Scale Erupting Filaments on the Quiet Sun
Ofman, LeonHughes-STX Corporation Signatures of Solitary Waves in Coronal Plumes and Holes
Penn, Matthew J.National Optical Astronomy Observatories Coronal Counterparts of Chromospheric Quiet Sun Dynamical Events
Pap, JuditUCLA Automated Recognition and Characterization of Solar Active Regions Based on the SOHO/MDI Images
Porter, JasonMarshall Space Flight Center The Role of Microflares in Coronal Heating: Frequency, Dynamics, and Location
Stark, Philip B.University of California, Berkeley Modern Statistical Methods for Helioseismic Spectrum Estimation
Wang, HaiminNew Jersey Institue of Technology Study of Filament Eruptions and Coronal Mass Ejections by Joint BBSO/SOHO Observations
Webb, David F.Boston College Changes in Magnetic Topology Associated with Coronal Mass Ejections Observed by LASCO
White, Stephen M.University of Maryland Abundances of Elements Relative to Hydrogen in the Solar Corona

FY 1997 Solar Physics SR&T and Suborbital Program details are now available

Letters announcing the results of the competition for new Fiscal Year (FY) 1997 awards from the SR&T and Suborbital Program in Solar Physics were mailed to Principal Investigators in March 1997. These awards were made on the basis of proposals submitted in response to NASA Research Announcement NRA-96-OSS-09. FY 1996 Supporting Research and Technology (SR&T) funding matches that of FY 1996, at $6.2 M. The Suborbital Program budget was $3.6 M. The selections were based on these budgets. Proposals describing 77 investigations (including 11 Suborbital) were received in the competition for FY 1997 funding from the Solar Physics program. These were rated in a peer review of their scientific merit. The total FY 1997 funding requested was $9.2 M and the funding available for competition was $4.1 M (including $1.5 M in Suborbital). The assignment of ratings was based on requirements set out in the NRA. Selection for funding from among scientifically competitive proposals is typically based on a combination of programmatic, budgetary and operational considerations. The available funding proved sufficient to allow selection of 36 proposals, 32 of which were the highest ranked by peer review. Three proposals with relatively high peer review ranking were not funded for programmatic reasons. All selected proposals were funded at the levels recommended by the review panels; in seven cases this level was less than requested by the proposer. The next opportunity to propose for Solar Physics funding will be in response to the 1997 NRA for the Sun-Earth Connections Supporting Research and Technology and Suborbital Program, which will be released May 15, 1997. This NRA will be available on the Web at: A list of the proposals selected for FY 1997 is appended. The most common period of performance is three years. Any lesser number of years covered by a particular award is indicated, thereby allowing the full scope of the NASA solar physics program at any future point in time to be ascertained by the reader. ****

Solar Physics SR&T Program Investigations Selected for Initiation in FY 1997:

Berger, Thomas/L-MSAL Observation and Modeling of Small-Scale Solar Magnetic Structures Cairns, Iver/U Iowa Theoretical Studies of Type III Solar Radio Bursts in the Corona Deming, Drake/GSFC Solar Magnetic Field Studies Using the 12-Micron Emission Lines Dennis, Brian/GSFC Synchronously Rotating Grids for Fourier-Transform X-ray Imaging Spectroscopy of Solar Flares (2 years) Forbes, Terry G./U NH Magnetic Reconnection in Solar Flares Goode, Philip/NJIT Studies of Solar Magnetic Fields and Solar Activity Gopalswamy, N./U MD Near-Surface Manifestations of Geo-Effective Solar Disturbances Guhathakurta, Madhulika/Cath. U A Interpretive Tools for Analysis of Coronal Images Habbal, Shadia/SAO Physics of the Inner Heliosphere: Models, Mechanisms, and Observational Signatures Hagyrard, Mona/MSFC Large-Scale Organization of Active Region Magnetic Fields Jones, Harrisan/GSFC Support of Flight-Mission Observations of the Sun with the National Solar Observatory/Kitt Peak Vacuum Telescope Jones, Harrison/GSFC Studies of Solar Variability, Structure, and Activity Julien, Keith/U CO Penetrative Dynamics of the Solar Interior Kiplinger, Alan/U CO Soft X-Ray, Optical-Polarmetric, SOONSPOT, and Microwave Observations of Interplanetary Proton Associated Flares and Active Regions (2 years) Klimchuk, James/NRL Post-Eruption Arcades and 3-D Magnetic Reconnection LaBonte, Barry/U HA Observational Investigation of the Solar Interior and Atmosphere (2 years) Lang, Kenneth/Tufts U VLA Observations in Support of NASA Solar Physics Flight Programs (1 year) Libbrecht, Kenneth/CIT Precision Solar Disk Photometry -- A Tool for Understanding Changes in the Sun's Luminosity Lin, Robert/UCB Low-Cost Mechanical Cryogenic Coolers for Germanium Detectors in Space or Suborborbital Solar Missions (1 year) Moore, Ronald/MSFC Understanding Observed Solar Magnetic Fields in Relation to Flares, Microflares, and Coronal Heating Ofman,Leon/Hughes-STX Acceleration of the Fast Solar Wind by Solitary Waves in Coronal Holes Parkinson, William H./SAO Laboratory Studies in UV and EUV Solar Physics Rhodes, Edward/USC Helioseismological Studies of the Structure and Dynamics of the Solar Atmosphere and Interior (1 year) Schatten, Kenneth/GSFC The Scientific Basis for Solar Activity Predictions Scherrer, Philip/Stanford Structure of Solar Magnetic and Velocity Fields Seely, John/NRL High-Resolution 4800 l/mm Multilayer Grating for Solar Coronal Observations (2 years) Thejappa, Golla/U MD Collisionless Shock Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere: Solar Type II Radio Emission Ulrich, Roger/UCLA Observational and Theoretical Studies of Solar Structure and Dynamics Wu, Shi Tsan/U A-H Numerical and Theoretical Studies of the Initiation and Propagation of the Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) Yamada, Masaaki/Princeton MRX Experiment, Study of 3-D Driven Magnetic Reconnection in Laboratory Plasmas ***

Solar Physics Suborbital Program Investigations Selected for Initiation in FY 1997:

Brueckner, Guenter/NRL Imaging and Spectroscopy of Subarc-second Ultraviolet Structures in the Solar Atmosphere (1 year) Davila, Joseph/GSFC Solar Extreme-ultraviolet Rocket Telescope and Spectrometer (SERTS) Heaps, William/GSFC Addressing the Solar Variability & Climate Link Via Observations with the Solar Disk Sextant (1 year) Judge, Darrell/USC Rocket Underflights for SOHO Cross-Calibration and Solar Atmosphere Investigations Moses, Daniel/NRL EIT Calibration Rocket (CalRoc) (1 year) Rust, David/JHU-APL An Optical Investigation of the Genesis of Solar Activity

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