function sxt_movy4sigmoid,noaa,tmin=tmin,tmax=tmax,$ mkfile=mkfile,indir=indir,outdir=outdir,pauz=pauz,$ c_table=c_table,big=big,sho_pfi=sho_pfi,nolimit=nolimit,$ one_res=one_res ;+ ; NAME ; sxt_movy4sigmoid ; PURPOSE ; Provide convenient way to review the SXT FFI movie for (a) the ; disk passage of a specific NOAA active region or (b) a specified ; time interval. Images may be flagged with a 0,1,2,3 or 4 for ; future reference. A .genx structure is saved with the movie ; header information and a vector with the 0-4 flag values. ; ; All functionality of STEPPER3 is available during movie viewing. ; Including: "r" overlays Stonyhurst and labels NOAA AR. ; "o" overlays PFI observing region. ; CALLING SEQUENCE ; out=sxt_movy4sigmoid(noaa,tmin=tmin,tmax=tmax,$ ; mkfile=mkfile,indir=indir,outdir=outdir,pauz=pauz,$ ; c_table=c_table,big=big,sho_pfi=sho_pfi,nolimit=nolimit) ; CALLING EXAMPLE ; out=sxt_movy4sigmoid(tmin='20-Jan-97',indir='/yla/sxtmov23') ; ALTERNATIVE INPUTS ; noaa, NOAA AR number ; or ; tmin & tmax, start and ending times of desired time interval ; in any format (default tmax is tmin + 24 hours) ; OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUT ; indir, movie directory (default: '/disk/hl1/ylegacy/sxtmov23') ; /mkfile, write output .genx file (default: do not create file) ; outdir, directory for output .genx file (default: curdir()) ; pauz, pause between movie frames (default: 0.05 sec) ; c_table, color_table number (default: 15, Stern Special) ; /big, set movie display to 1024x1024 size. ; /sho_pfi, overlay PFI FOV on every image. (Slows stepper.) ; /nolimit, load entire movie, otherwise load 100 at a time. ; one_res, set keyword to 'HR' or 'QR' to display only one resolution. ; OUTPUT ; Movie header structure with added tag .check giving the flag ; (0-4) value for each movie image. ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT ; .genx file written to outdir with structure ; header and vector check. ; HISTORY ; 11-May-2009 LWA ; 27-May-2009 LWA indir default: '/disk/sb1/sxtmov23' ; Added header info. ; 1-Jun-2009 LWA Added keyword one_res. ; 2-Jun-2009 LWA indir default: '/disk/hl1/ylegacy/sxtmov23' ; Added protection against 1-day NAR. ;- ; Common block get_movy4nar contains the NOAA active region info. common get_movy4nar,nar_data if not_exist(nar_data) then rd_nar,'15-sep-91','15-dec-01',nar_data ; Set defaults if not keyword_set(indir) then indir='/disk/hl1/ylegacy/sxtmov23' if not keyword_set(outdir) then outdir=curdir() mkfile=keyword_set(mkfile) nolimit=keyword_set(nolimit) if not keyword_set(pauz) then pauz=.05 else pauz=pauz if keyword_set(big) then xsize=1024 else xsize=512 wdef,0,xsize if not keyword_set(tmin) and not_exist(noaa) then begin print,'ERROR. You must input NOAA AR number or tmin. Returning.' return,'' endif if exist(noaa) then begin ii=where(nar_data.noaa eq strtrim(noaa,2)) print print,'NOAA Active Region number '+strtrim(noaa,2)+$ ' appears for the time interval:' fmt_timer,nar_data(ii),tmin,tmax if tmin eq tmax then begin tx=anytim(tmin)+(24.*60.*60.) tmax=anytim(tx,/yoh) endif print endif if keyword_set(c_table) then loadct,c_table else loadct,15,/silent movie_review,stdate=tmin,endate=tmax,indir=indir,mkfile=mkfile,$ outdir=outdir,nolimit=nolimit,pauz=pauz,$ header=header,check=check,xsize=xsize,sho_pfi=sho_pfi,$ one_res=one_res outstruc=add_tag2(header,0,'check') if n_elements(check) gt 0 then begin outstruc.check=check return,outstruc endif else begin return,'' endelse end