PRO STEPPER_S1, DATA, $ XSIZE=XSIZE, YSIZE=YSIZE, START=START, $ INFO_ARRAY=INFO_ARRAY,$ NOSCALE=NOSCALE, SUBSCRIPT=SUBSCRIPT, MOVIE=MOVIE, INTERP=INTERP, $ COLOR=COLOR, LASTSS=LASTSS, $ index=index, panels=panels, nolcur=nolcur, nonormalize=nonormalize, $ pauz=pauz,quiet=quiet ;+ ; NAME: ; STEPPER ; PURPOSE: ; Step through individual images a single frame at a time. ; INPUTS: ; DATA = Three-dimensional array ; OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: ; XSIZE,YSIZE = If present, the routine will use rebin to using the ; the /sample option. If only XSIZE is present, YSIZE ; will be set equal to XSIZE. ; START = Index of starting image ; INFO_ARRAY = String array containing descriptive text ; NOSCALE = If set, will turn off tvscale ; SUBSCRIPT = Subset of array is displayed. ; MOVIE = If present and =1, will initiate movie mode when called ; INTERP = Controls how REBIN is done. If present and set to 1, ; /INTERP ==> REBIN(A,xsize,ysize) ; else ==> REBIN(A,xsize,ysize,/sample) ; COLOR = The color to use for displaying the info text string. ; nolcur - If set, then stepper is being called from LCUR_IMAGE and ; it should not allow the LCUR option to be used ; pauz - Wait between images in movie mode (sec). ; quiet - Don't write ops info to screen. ; VERSION: ; V1.2 17-NOV-92 ; HISTORY: ; Written 20-sep-91, JRL and LWA ; Updated 21-sep-91, JRL: Added xloadct and zoom options. ; Updated 24-sep-91, JRL: Added SUBSCRIPT and MOVIE options. ; Updated 2-dec-91, JRL: Break the text string into two lines if ; info_array is > 44 ; Updated 15-dec-91, slf; Replaced get_kbrd calls with get_kbrd2 ; to work around SGI anomoly ; Updated 16-apr-92, slf; To work with single image ; Updated 28-apr-92, JRL: Break text if strlen(info) > 38 ; Updated 29-apr-92, JRL: Added the INTERP keyword ; Updated 17-nov-92, JRL: Added color keyword. Allow info_array to ; be a 2nd parameter ; Updated 15-mar-93, JRL: Added an option to call profiles ; Updated 13-may-93, SLF; Return last selected in lastss ; ------------------------------------------------------------ ; 17-Oct-93 (MDM) - Broke the routine into two parts ; Allowed new options ; "g" will plot sxt grids ; "l" will call LCUR_PLOT to plot curves ; "h" will make hardcopies ; "c" will call loadct ; different panels for different filters ; 19-Oct-93 (MDM) - Allowed exit from STEPPER when using q to exit movie ; 25-Oct-93 (MDM) - Added passing NOSCALE parameter to LCUR_IMAGE ; 29-Nov-93 (MDM) - Added NOLCUR option ; - Added /NORMALIZE to LCUR_IMAGE call ; 10-Jan-94 (MDM) - Added "O" option - obs region location ; 11-Jan-94 (MDM) - Corrected "O" option ; 21-Feb-94 (MDM) - Added "W" option - calls WSHOW to pop the window ; - Replaced call to GET_KBRD2 with GET_KBRD ; 18-Apr-94 (MDM) - Added /NODEL_WIN_P to not delete window after light ; curve plot is made ; 10-Jun-94 (MDM) - Added option to establish the breakpoint location ; in the info_array by setting STEPPER_BREAK ; 24-Aug-94 (MDM) - Added NONORMALIZE option ; 15-Jan-02, Paul Hick (UCSD/CASS; ; xloadct did not work (tested on Linux, IDL 5.3 and Windows NT, ; IDL 5.5). Adding keyword /block fixed the problem. Assuming that ; widget blocking is the problem and since blocking was introduced ; in IDL 5.0, /block is now added to xloadct when ; !version.release >= 5.0 ; 24-jan-08 (LWA) Deleted charsize for info_array input. ; 3-Oct-08 (LWA) Added keyword pauz. New machines are too fast! ; 23-Mar-09 (LWA) Increased charsize to 1.45. ; 30-Apr-10 (LWA) Added keyword quiet. ;- on_error,2 ; Return to caller ans= '' if n_elements(color) eq 0 then color=255 ; Default color if keyword_set(pauz) then pauz=pauz else pauz=0 quiet=keyword_set(quiet) ss = size(DATA) ; slf 26-apr-92, Allow single image in addition to data cube case ss(0) of 2: begin nx=ss(1) & ny=ss(2) & nimg=1 endcase 3: begin nx = ss(1) & ny = ss(2) & nimg = ss(3) endcase else: begin & message,'Image or Image cube required' & return & endelse endcase if (n_elements(subscript) eq 0) then subscript = indgen(nimg) if (n_elements(panels) eq 0) then begin qpanels = 0 panels = intarr(nimg) end else begin qpanels = 1 ;doing panel plots end n_sel = n_elements(subscript) ; npan = fix(sqrt(max(panels)+1)) if (npan^2 ne max(panels)+1) then npan = npan + 1 ; See if we need to rebing or not if (n_elements(xsize) eq 0) then begin rebinnn = 0 xsize = nx end else begin rebinnn = 1 ; Must rebin if n_elements(ysize) eq 0 then ysize = fix(xsize/float(nx)*ny) print,'Will rebin to XSIZE=',strtrim(string(xsize),2), $ ', YSIZE=',strtrim(string(ysize),2) if keyword_set(interp) then sample=0 else sample=1 ; if interp=1, sample=0 endelse if (n_elements(ysize) eq 0) then ysize = ny ; See if we should turn off the tvscl option: if keyword_set(noscale) then nosc = 0 else nosc = 2 DISP = rebinnn + nosc ; Set up info_array if it does not exist already: if n_elements(info_array) eq 0 then begin if n_elements(info_p) eq 0 then $ info_array = strtrim(string(indgen(nimg))+' :',2) $ else info_array = info_p endif if n_elements(start) eq 0 then stt=0 else stt=start ; Starting image stt = min(abs(stt-subscript)) & stt=!c & !c=0 ; Get closest index i = stt ; qmovie = keyword_set(movie) qdisp = 1 qprint = 1 ;always print the menu message the first time qdone = 0 qfirst = 1 while not qdone do begin if (qfirst or qprint or (ans eq '?')) then begin if not quiet then begin print, '-------- STEPPER Options --------' print,'There are ',strtrim(string(nimg),2),' images in the array' print,'There are ',strtrim(string(n_sel),2),' images selected' ;xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx print, 'Enter "b" to step backwards "h" to call HARDCOPY print, ' "s" to select new start index "z" for ZOOM print, ' "c" to call LOADCT "x" for XLOADCT if (not qpanels) then print, ' "p" to call the IDL PROFILES routine "l" to call light curve routine print, ' "g" to overlay SXT solar grid "o" for observing region location print, ' "q" to quit "m" for movie mode print, ' "?" to display this help menu "anything else" to step forward endif endif qprint = 0 if (not qfirst) then ans = get_kbrd(1-qmovie) ans = strlowcase(ans) ; Convert to lower case if (qmovie) and (ans ne '') then begin qmovie = 0 qdisp = 0 ;;ans = '-' ;zero out the answer which stopped movie (might be "q") end qdisp = qfirst case ans of '-': ;do nothing 'm': begin ;movie mode selected print,'Type anything to abort movie mode ("q" will exit movie and STEPPER)' qmovie = 1 qdisp = 1 end 'b': begin i = i-1 if i lt 0 then i=n_sel-1 qdisp = 1 end 'q': qdone = 1 's': begin print,'* Enter the requested start image number',format='($,a)' read,i i=min(abs(i-subscript)) i=!c !c=0 qdisp = 1 end 'x': begin if !version.release lt 5.0 then $ xloadct $ else $ xloadct, /block end 'w': wshow 'c': begin input, 'Enter the new color table number (0-37)', icol, 0 loadct, icol end 'z': begin zoom qprint = 1 end 'p': begin if (qpanels) then begin tbeep, 3 print, 'STEPPER: You cannot use profiles option when using panels option' end else begin if rebinnn then profiles,rebin(data(*,*,j),xsize,ysize,sample=sample) $ else profiles,data(*,*,j) qprint = 1 end end 'g': begin if (qpanels) then begin tbeep, 3 print, 'STEPPER: You cannot use grid option when using panels option' end else begin if (data_type(index) eq 8) then begin sxt_grid, index(j), mag=xsize/nx end else begin tbeep, 3 print, 'You must pass the index in in order to use the grid option' end end end 'o': begin if (qpanels) then begin tbeep, 3 print, 'STEPPER: You cannot use OR location option when using panels option' end else begin if (data_type(index) eq 8) then begin if (gt_pfi_ffi(index(j), /ffi)) then begin pfi_loc, index(j), bin=bin end else begin print, 'STEPPER: OR location option only works with full frame images' end end else begin tbeep, 3 print, 'You must pass the index in in order to use the OR location option' end end end 'l': begin if (qpanels) then begin tbeep, 3 print, 'STEPPER: You cannot use light curve option when using panels option' end else begin if ( (data_type(index) eq 8) and (not keyword_set(nolcur)) ) then begin lcur_image, index, data, subscript=subscript, xsize=xsize, /nodisplay, $ lastss=j, noscale=noscale, /norm, /nodel_win_p, nonormalize=nonormalize qprint = 1 end else begin tbeep, 3 if (keyword_set(nolcur)) then print, 'Exit STEPPER to return to the LCUR_IMAGE routine' $ else print, 'You must pass the index in in order to use the light curve option' end end end 'h': begin hardcopy qprint = 1 end '*': stop else: if (not qfirst) then begin i = i + 1 if i ge n_sel then i = 0 qdisp = 1 end endcase if (qdisp) then begin j = subscript(i) ; Get selected images bin = xsize / float(n_elements(data(*,0,0))) ;;if (!d.window ne -1) then wshow x0 = (panels(j) mod npan) * xsize y0 = (panels(j)/npan) * ysize case DISP of ; rebinn,noscale 0: tv,data(*,*,j), x0, y0 ; 0 , 0 1: tv,rebin(data(*,*,j),xsize,ysize,sample=sample), x0, y0 ; 1 , 0 2: tvscl,data(*,*,j), x0, y0 ; 0 , 2 3: tvscl,rebin(data(*,*,j),xsize,ysize,sample=sample), x0, y0 ; 1 , 2 endcase break_point = 38 ; Break point if (get_logenv('STEPPER_BREAK') ne '') then break_point = fix(getenv('STEPPER_BREAK')) if strlen(info_array(j)) le break_point then begin ; xyouts,x0,y0+10,info_array(j),charsize = 1.26,/device,color=color xyouts,x0,y0+10,info_array(j),/device,color=color endif else begin str0 = strmid(info_array(j),0,break_point) str1 = strmid(info_array(j),break_point,strlen(info_array(j))) ;xyouts,x0+10,y0+10,str1,charsize = 1.26,/device,color=color ;xyouts, x0,y0+23,str0,charsize = 1.26,/device,color=color xyouts,x0+10,y0+10,str1,charsize = 1.45,/device,color=color xyouts, x0,y0+25,str0,charsize = 1.45,/device,color=color endelse if pauz then wait,pauz end qfirst = 0 end lastss=j ; output current (last) subscript return end