function rest_low8_ffi,index,data,qdebug=qdebug,bug2=bug2,lc=lc,$ comp_out=comp_out ;+ ;NAME: ; rest_low8_ffi ;PURPOSE: ; To restore a cube of low8 FFI data. The input data must ; consist of low-8 AND compressed data. The output will ; have the same number of images as the input (ie: some ; images are simple decompressed images, not 12-bit images) ;RESTRICTION: ; The input data needs to all be FFI data. ; Program requires raw SFR data. ; Low8 and compressed images must be taken within 20 minutes ; of each other. This is determined in ;SAMPLE CALLING SEQUENCE: ; data = rest_low8_ffi(index, data) ;INPUT: ; index - The index structure ; data - The data cube, may be mixed resolutions and ; can contain any sort of images in addition ; to the NaBan and WdBan images. ;OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUT ; /qdebug, stop before return. ; /bug2, create window 12 and show diagnostic alignment images, stop. ;OUTPUT ; data, Returns interger datacube with 12-bit restored images replacing ; all for qualifying low8 images. Comp images are only decompressed. ; Returned datacube has been decompressed but ; not otherwise processed. ; index, The index structure is changed to reflect the image ; alignment and Low8 restoration. ;OPTIONAL KEYWORD OUTPUT ; lc, Array of subscripts, dimensioned 2 x n where n is the number ; of elements in the index array. All non-optical (e.g., NaBan, ; WdBan or diffuser) entries in the array are set=-1. The (0,n) values ; are the subscripts of the Low8 images. The (1,n) values ; are the subscripts of the Compressed image to use. ; If no valid Compressed image exists, (1,n) = -1. ; comp_out, returns the shifted and decompressed compressed images. ;PROCEDURE ; Except for diffuser images align_prep and align1img are used ; to align the raw compressed image to the raw low8 image ; priot to restore_low8. ; Alignment shift isn't done unless dx or dy are > 0.5 FR pixel. ;HISTORY: ; 2-Nov-2004 LWA Written, borrowing from rest_low8_cube. ; 11-Nov-2004 S.L.Freeland - update HIS vis modified restore_low8 ; 13-Dec-2004 S.L.Freeland - externalize HIS properly ; 10-Feb-2005 LWA Set up to handle diffuser images ; 30-Apr-2008 LWA Clarified header. ; 1-Sep-2008 LWA Modified ocontours for /bug2, updated header. ; 4-Sep-2008 LWA Major revision, replace sxt_prep w/ align1img. ; 24-Mar-2010 Aki Takeda Handling the case of finding no pair, ; and the case of full-res image. ;- if not required_tags(index,'HIS') then his_index,index,/enable qdebug=keyword_set(qdebug) siz=size(data) cx=siz(1) cy=siz(2) if qdebug then help,index,data dat=data ind=index out=sxt_decomp(data) lc=sxt_low8_match(index) oklc=where(lc(1,*) ne -1,nne) if qdebug then help,out,oklc,nne if (nne ne 0) then begin comp_out=intarr(cx,cy,nne) for i=0,nne-1 do begin l8=lc(0,oklc(i)) c8=lc(1,oklc(i)) both_ind=index([l8,c8]) res=gt_res(both_ind(0)) outres=res case 1 of res eq 0 : begin & nx=1024 & ny=512 & end ; added 24-Mar-2010 (AkT) res eq 1 : begin & nx=512 & ny=512 & end res eq 2 : begin & nx=256 & ny=256 & end endcase ;Align C image to L image, no roll correction (usually tiny). suncen=sxt_cen(both_ind) dx=suncen(0,0)-suncen(0,1) dy=suncen(1,0)-suncen(1,1) if qdebug then help,nx,ny,dx,dy if gt_filta(index(l8)) ne 4 and (abs(dx) gt 0.5 or abs(dy) gt 0.5) then begin align_prep,both_ind(1),xx,yy,sc,code,ref_image=both_ind(0),qroll=0 oddeven=nx mod 2 ; added 20-Nov-98 by DMcK xc = xx - (nx-(1-oddeven))/2.*2^outres oddeven=ny mod 2 yc = yy - (ny-(1-oddeven))/2.*2^outres if qdebug then begin print,get_info(both_ind,/non) help,l8,c8,xx,yy,xc,yc print,xx,yy,xc,yc endif ; if res eq 2 then begin ; low8=data(0:255,0:255,l8) ; comp=data(0:255,0:255,c8) ; endif else begin ; low8=data(*,*,l8) ; comp=data(*,*,c8) ; endelse low8=data(0:nx-1,0:ny-1,l8) ; 24-Mar-2010 (AkT) comp=data(0:nx-1,0:ny-1,c8) ; 24-Mar-2010 if qdebug then begin help,comp qstop=1 endif else begin qstop=0 endelse align1img,both_ind(1),comp,xc,yc,nx,ny,$ ox0,oy0,res,typout=1,typ_in=1,qdebug=qdebug,$ qstop=qstop if qdebug then help,comp if (keyword_set(qdebug)) then print, 'Image being inserted into: ox0, oy0, i', ox0, oy0, i if ((ox0 lt nx-1) and (oy0 le ny-1)) then begin tmp=bytarr(nx,ny) csiz=size(comp) tmp(ox0:ox0+csiz(1)-1,oy0:oy0+csiz(2)-1) = comp comp=tmp endif endif else begin ; if res eq 2 then begin ; low8=data(0:255,0:255,l8) ; comp=data(0:255,0:255,c8) ; endif else begin ; low8=data(*,*,l8) ; comp=data(*,*,c8) ; endelse low8=data(0:nx-1,0:ny-1,l8) ; 24-Mar-2010 (AkT) comp=data(0:nx-1,0:ny-1,c8) ; 24-Mar-2010 endelse ;Now do the restoration. lo_index=both_ind(0) comp_index=both_ind(1) out(0,0,oklc(i)) = restore_low8(low8,comp, $ index=lo_index,$ comp_index=comp_index) index(l8)=lo_index if (keyword_set(bug2)) then begin wdef,12,cx*2,cy,/already,/ur tvscl,low8 ;low-8 data ocontour,comp,c_thick=2 tvscl,comp,cx,0 ocontour,comp,c_thick=2,color=1,cx,0 endif comp_out(0,0,i)=sxt_decomp(comp) endfor endif ;if keyword_set(qdebug) then stop return, out end