function leak_sub, index, data, index_out, $ udata_in=udata_in, udata_out=udata_out, $ ;jmm, 12-feb-95 update_index=update_index, $ leak_only=leak_only, leak_index=leak_index0, save=save, qdebug=qdebug, $ dc_interpolate=dc_interpolate, dc_scalar=dc_scalar, float=float, $ force_darksub=force_darksub, orbit_correct=orbit_correct, $ noleak=noleak, second_order=second_order, synthetic_sfc=synthetic_sfc, $ grill=grill, nogrill=nogrill, force_standard_sfc=force_standard_sfc, $ loud=loud ; ;+ ;NAME: ; leak_sub ;PURPOSE: ; Subtract the Scattered light image from input FFI images. This is ; needed for Thin-Al and AlMg images taken after 13-Nov-92. ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; data_out = leak_sub(index, data, index_out) ; data_out = leak_sub(index, data, /update_index) ;INPUT: ; index - The index structure for each image ; data - The data array (NX x NY x N). It should have had the ; dark current already subtracted. If the input is ; byte type, then DARK_SUB is called. ;OUTPUT: ; data_out- The leak (scattered light) subtracted image ; index_out- The modified index header ;OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUT: ; udata_in - the uncertainty in the data array, passed through to DARK_SUB ; udata_out(INPUT/OUTPUT) - The uncertainty in the output array, passed out of DARK_SUB, ; This must be set to a variable before the call, i.e. ; YOU (the user) have a statement like "udata_out=1" ; before calling LEAK_SUB with the udata_out keyword, the calculation ; will not be done if a zero or undefined value is passed in. ; Note that leak_only data "officially" has no uncertainty, ; So don't use this with the leak_only keyword, you will get an array of zeros ; leak_only- If set, the output is only the scattered light ; images that go with each index. ; save - If set, store the data in a common block to avoid ; having to read it from memory many times. ; dc_interpolate - If set, do integration time interpolation on ; the dark current subtraction images. ; dc_scalar - If set, use a scalar value for the dark current ; subtraction ; force_darksub - If set, then call DARK_SUB even if the data type ; is non-byte. This is needed with restore low-8 data. ; noleak - if set, don't subtract leak(!) [default: noleak=0] ; (seems silly in a routine called ; leak_sub, but needed for leak bybass from callers ; like sxt_prep...) ; synthetic_sfc - if set, generate and apply synthetic SFC ; [ hook for P.G.Shirts routines ] ; force_standard_sfc - if set, override synthetic_sfc keyword ; and environmental (used for recursive calls ; when synthetic SFC not available or invalid ; loud - if set, print some ~useless albeit historical info ; ;OPTIONAL KEYWORD OUTPUT: ; leak_index- Return the index of the reference images ;METHOD: ; 1. Call DARK_SUB if "data" is byte type ; 2. For PFI, extract the relevant portion of the images ; 3. Scale the scattered light image for exposure duration. ; 4. Subtract off the scattered light ;HISTORY: ; Written 7-Jan-93 by M.Morrison ; 14-Jan-93 (MDM) - Modification to perform leak subtraction ; properly for quarter resolution images. ; 3-Feb-93 (MDM) - Modified to correct AlMg leak images also. ; - Added /SAVE option to store the leak image ; in a common block - avoids reading it multiple ; times, but uses memory up. ; 9-mar-93 (JRL) - Fixed a bug in case no leak images are available. ; 7-Apr-93 (MDM) - Modified to work with PFI images ; Adjusted code to do REBIN only once per uniq resolution ; (faster/more memory efficient) ; - Added check to see if leak calibration images exist. ; - Corrected an error that leak subtraction would not ; have been performed if the neutral density filter was ; in place!! ;V2.0 6-Jun-93 (MDM) - Added version number, and started calls to HIS_INDEX ;V2.1 9-Jul-93 (MDM) - Corrected an error caused when a smaller image is ; imbedded in a larger array (256x256 inside a 512x512xN) ;V2.11 3-Aug-93 (MDM) - Modification for handling unassembled ORs ;V3.00 4-Aug-93 (MDM) - Modified to use EXT_SUBIMG2 which is much faster than ; rebinning the whole image. ; - Added INDEX_OUT parameter ; - Do not do a "fix" of data when it is non-byte type ; when creating the DATA_OUT variable ;V3.01 26-Aug-93 (MDM) - Modified to use ALIGN1IMG instead of EXT_SUBIMG2 ; - Added /UPDATE_INDEX option ; 26-Aug-93 (MDM) - Replaced Al.1 image sfc921127.0947 with sfc930819.1607 ; ** V3.xx was never put on-line ** ;V4.00 27-Aug-93 (MDM) - Replaced code with the essence of DARK_SUB ;V4.01 11-Oct-93 (MDM) - Made sure that the output index was passed to ; HIS_INDEX so that the .HIS structure was appended ;V4.02 13-Oct-93 (MDM) - Added /DC_INTERPOLATE and /DC_SCALAR options ; - Adjusted code since the DARK_SUB history was not being ; preserved ;V4.03 8-Feb-95 (MDM) - Added /FLOAT keyword to be passed through to DARK_SUB ; 12-Feb-95 (jmm) - Added the UDATA keywords ;V4.04 27-Feb-95 (MDM) - Put McTiernan modifications on-line ;V4.05 23-Mar-95 (MDM) - Added /force_darksub ;V4.06 9-May-95 (MDM) - Modified how the /FLOAT option worked (it was always ; doing a FIX before on the leak image). ; - Use ROUND instead of FIX when not going to floating ; output ;V4.07 11-Feb-98 (SLF) - add ORBIT_CORRECT (pass to dark_sub) ; 26-Oct-98 (SLF) - add /NOLEAK keyword and function ;V4.08 10-Jan-2000 - S.L.Freeland add /SECOND_ORDER keyword and function ; Add history bit ;V4.09 23-Aug-2000 - Add /SYNTHETIC_SFC keyword and function ; Add history bit ;V4.10 8-Jan-2001 - S.L.Freeland - add Al.1 Grill correction option ; (no longer applied to SFCs) ;V4.20 13-Nov-2001 - S.L.Freeland - remove a call to 'fix' - why it ; was there at all is TBD (ask mons...) ;V4.21 14-Jan-2002 - S.L.Freeland - add /FORCE_STANDARD_SFC ;V4.22 7-Mar-2003 - S.L.Freeland - add /LOUD and made default quieter ;V4.23 30-May-2003 - S.L.Freeland - merge LWA Long Word Overflow fix ; (val=...) per Oct 16 2002 email ;V5.0 24-Jul-2003 - S.L.Freeland - do grill correction for both synthetic ; and standard in same place ;V5.1 21-Jan-2005 - S.L.Freeland - avoid global side affect with ; SYNTHETIC_SFC (possible cube processing ; problem with toggle during recursion) ;V5.2 28-Jan-2005 - S.L.Freeland - continue Syn Vs Term mods - fix ; logic flaw introduced in 28-jan-mod ;V5.3 2-Feb-2005 - S.L.Freeland - fixed typo... ;V5.4 21-Jan-2005 - L. W. Acton - Added code to handle early and late ; straylight drifts. ; Boxmessage, 'Synthetic requested but ...' only for /loud. ; 28-Mar-2005 - LWA - Commented out early straylight drift commands. ; 18-May-2006 - LWA - Removed . in 2^15. to make compatible with ; IDL 6+ on linux machines. ; 20-Jul-2009 - LWA - Special leak processing for 24-Oct-95 eclipse. ; 27-Jul-2009 - LWA - Revised special 24-Oct-95 leak processing. ; Added special leak processing for 17-Apr-96 eclipse. ; 30-Jul-2009 - LWA - Special leak processing for 26-Feb-98 eclipse. ;V5.5 31-Jul-2009 - LWA - Updated progverno to 5.5. ; Commented out all special eclipse processing, moved ; it to ; 29-Jun-2012 - LWA - Corrected noleak in header. ;- common get_leak_image, lindex, ldata common get_leak_image2, called second_order=keyword_set(second_order) ; ;progverno = 5.4*1000 progverno = 5.5*1000 ; n = n_elements(index) index_out = index his_index, index_out ; quncert = keyword_set(udata_out) ;jmm, 12-feb-95 noleak=keyword_set(noleak) yesleak=1-noleak force_standard_sfc=keyword_set(force_standard_sfc) use_syn=keyword_set(synthetic_sfc) or get_logenv('sxt_syn_sfc') ne '' use_syn=use_syn * (1-force_standard_sfc) ; override synthetic? force_standard_sfc=0 ; !!only used by recurive call - reset on exit orbit_correct=keyword_set(orbit_correct) dc_interpolate=keyword_set(dc_interpolate) or orbit_correct ; FORCE ON ; ; for orbit corr nogrill=keyword_set(nogrill) grill=1-keyword_set(nogrill) old_grill=get_logenv('leak_sub_oldgrill') ne '' ; default:use new Grills ; ; Needed later on for straylight drift (LWA, 1/21/2005) ; Fitted slopes in filter number order. Second 5 are with ND filter. lateslope=[1.97e-7,4.35e-8,2.64e-7,5.19e-8,1.71e-7,$ 3.00e-6,2.08e-6,2.08e-6,2.27e-6,2.42e-7] ;early_dt=ssw_deltaT('12-JAN-93 07:51:32', '24-OCT-93 01:33:10',/sec) late_dt=ssw_deltaT(' 6-FEB-99 06:15:46', '14-DEC-01 01:55:09',/sec) ; if (keyword_set(leak_only)) then begin nx = max(gt_shape(index, /x)) ny = max(gt_shape(index, /y)) if (keyword_set(float)) then data_out = fltarr(nx,ny,n) $ else data_out = intarr(nx, ny, n) if(quncert) then udata_out = bytarr(nx, ny, n) ;jmm, 12-feb-95 end else begin siz = size(data) nx = siz(1) ny = siz(2) typ = siz( siz(0)+1 ) if (typ eq 1) or (keyword_set(force_darksub)) then begin udata_out = quncert ;jmm, 12-feb-95, udata_out has to be set to be passed into DARK_SUB data_out = dark_sub(index, data, index_out, interpolate = dc_interpolate, $ force_scalar = dc_scalar, float = float, $ orbit_correct=orbit_correct, $ ; slf 11-feb-98 udata_in = udata_in, udata_out = udata_out) ;jmm, 12-feb-95 end else begin data_out = data if(quncert) then begin ;jmm, 12-feb-95 if(keyword_set(udata_in)) then udata_out = udata_in $ else udata_out = byte(make_array(size = size(data_out)) + 0) ;pass out an array of zeros if nothing is passed in and no dark subtraction. end end end ; if (keyword_set(qdebug)) then print, 'Finished making output array' ; ;---------------------------------------- Deterimine the optimal order of the images to do the subtraction ; sel_leak_image, index, leak_files, dset ; xcorn = fix(gt_corner(index, /lower, /x)/4) ;0-255 ycorn = fix(gt_corner(index, /lower, /y)/4) res = fix(gt_res(index)) val = xcorn + ycorn*256UL + res*256UL*256UL + ulong64(dset)*256UL*256UL*64 ;dset specifies different leak image ; low 8-bits 0:7 second 8-bits 8:15 third 8-bits fourth 8-bits ;---- do all FR in order of DPE, then all HR, then all QR ; ss = sort([val]) ; last_val = -999 ; qdebug=keyword_set(qdebug) loud=keyword_set(loud) or qdebug if yesleak then begin for iimg=0,n-1 do begin i = ss(iimg) ;do the subtraction in order of DPE so that ; synstatus=0 if (dset(i) ne -1) then begin case 1 of use_syn: begin delvarx,leak_index0,leak_data mk_syn_sfc, index(i), leak_index0, leak_data , synstatus=synstatus if not synstatus then begin if loud then box_message,'Synthetic requested but bad or no coefficients.' get_leak_image,index(i),leak_index0,leak_data,qdebug=qdebug,/save endif else get_leak_image, index(i), leak_index=leak_index0, leak_data=leak_data endcase else: if (val(i) ne last_val) then get_leak_image, index(i), leak_index0, leak_data, qdebug=qdebug, /save endcase if (keyword_set(qdebug)) then print, 'Using leak image ', fmt_tim(leak_index0), ' for val=', val(i) factor = (gt_expdur(index(i)) / ([gt_expdur(leak_index0),2691.09])(synstatus) ) if get_logenv('synsfc_debug') ne '' then stop,'syndebug' if (keyword_set(qdebug)) then print, 'LEAK_SUB: Exposure normalization factor: ', factor algrill=sxt_get_grill(index(i),status,loud=loud, geny=1-(old_grill)) * grill ; Note: algrill will be all zeros if non Al.1 or problem with ; grill file access (so null effect in those cases) ; ; Additions here by LWA to handle straylight drift. (2/11/2005) if get_logenv('synsfc_debug') ne '' then goto, SKIPDRIFT totleak=leak_data * factor ; imgtime=int2secarr(index(i),'12-JAN-93') ; leaktime=int2secarr(leak_index0,'12-JAN-93') imgtime=int2secarr(index(i),'6-Feb-99 06:15:46') leaktime=int2secarr(leak_index0,'6-Feb-99 06:15:46') case 1 of gt_res(index(i)) eq 0 : slpfact=0.25 gt_res(index(i)) eq 1 : slpfact=1.0 gt_res(index(i)) eq 2 : slpfact=4.0 endcase slpfact=slpfact*gt_expdur(index(i))/1000. ;Exposure correction ; if imgtime lt 0 then begin ; if gt_filta(index(i)) eq 6 then begin ;ND filter case ; slp=slpfact*earlyslope(gt_filtb(index(i))-2+5) ; endif else begin ; slp=slpfact*earlyslope(gt_filtb(index(i))-2) ; endelse ; totleak=totleak+((imgtime-leaktime)*slp) ; endif ; if imgtime gt 1.9148495e+08 then begin ;Start of late drift period, 6-FEB-99 06:15:46 if imgtime gt 0 then begin ;Start of late drift period, 6-FEB-99 06:15:46 if gt_filta(index(i)) eq 6 then begin ;ND filter case slp=slpfact*lateslope(gt_filtb(index(i))-2+5) endif else begin ;FiltA open case slp=slpfact*lateslope(gt_filtb(index(i))-2) endelse totleak=totleak+((imgtime-leaktime)*slp) endif SKIPDRIFT : if (keyword_set(leak_only)) then begin if get_logenv('synsfc_debug') ne '' then data_out(0,0,i) = leak_data * factor $ else data_out(0,0,i) = totleak endif else begin siz = size(leak_data) nx2 = siz(1)-1 ny2 = siz(2)-1 ;;data_out(0,0,i) = data_out(0:nx2,0:ny2,i) - fix(leak_data * factor+algrill) if get_logenv('synsfc_debug') ne '' then begin if (data_type(data_out) ge 4) then data_out(0,0,i) = data_out(0:nx2,0:ny2,i) - (leak_data * factor+algrill) $ else data_out(0,0,i) = data_out(0:nx2,0:ny2,i) - round(leak_data * factor + algrill) endif else begin if (data_type(data_out) ge 4) then data_out(0,0,i) = data_out(0:nx2,0:ny2,i) - (totleak+algrill) $ else data_out(0,0,i) = data_out(0:nx2,0:ny2,i) - round(totleak + algrill) endelse ; End of straylight drift additions and changes. his_index, index_out, i, 'time_leak', leak_index0.his.time_leak his_index, index_out, i, 'day_leak', leak_index0.his.day_leak pver=progverno if second_order then begin if gt_res(index_out(i)) ge 1 and $ gt_pfi_ffi(index_out(i),/ffi) then begin if n_elements(called) eq 0 or keyword_set(qdebug) then $ box_message,'Applying SECOND ORDER leak correction' so_data=sxt_deleak(index_out(i), data_out(*,*,i), leak_index0, leak_data) data_out(0,0,i)=so_data ; pver = progverno + 2^15. ; set history flag pver = progverno + 2^15 ; Removed dot. LWA 5/18/2006 endif endif pver=pver+([0.,2^14.])(use_syn) ; set history flag his_index, index_out, i, 'q_leak_sub', pver endelse end ; ; Special leak handling for 24-Oct-95 eclipse. LWA 20-Jul-09/27-Jul-09 ; ; First transit. ; if anytim(index_out(i)) gt anytim('24-OCT-95 03:22:00') and anytim(index_out(i)) $ ; lt anytim('24-OCT-95 03:48:00') and gt_pfi_ffi(index_out(i)) eq 1 then begin ; nsfc=total(leak_data(240:253,240:253)) ; ndat=total(data_out(240:253,240:253,i)) ; data_out(0:255,0:255,i)=data_out(0:255,0:255,i)-((ndat/nsfc)*leak_data) ; endif ; ; Second transit. ; if anytim(index_out(i)) gt anytim('24-OCT-95 05:34:00') and anytim(index_out(i)) $ ; lt anytim('24-OCT-95 05:53:00') and gt_pfi_ffi(index_out(i)) eq 1 then begin ; nsfc=total(leak_data(10:23,10:23)) ; ndat=total(data_out(10:23,10:23,i)) ; data_out(0:255,0:255,i)=data_out(0:255,0:255,i)-((ndat/nsfc)*leak_data) ; endif ; ; Special leak handling for 17-Apr-96 eclipse. LWA 27-Jul-09 ; if anytim(index_out(i)) gt anytim('17-Apr-96 22:04') and anytim(index_out(i)) $ ; lt anytim('18-Apr-96 00:08') and gt_pfi_ffi(index_out(i)) eq 1 then begin ; nsfc=total(leak_data(240:253,240:253)) ; ndat=total(data_out(240:253,240:253,i)) ; data_out(0:255,0:255,i)=data_out(0:255,0:255,i)-((ndat/nsfc)*leak_data) ; endif ; ; Special leak handling for 26-Feb-98 eclipse. LWA 30-Jul-09 ; if anytim(index_out(i)) gt anytim('26-Feb-98 18:50:34') and anytim(index_out(i)) $ ; lt anytim('26-Feb-98 18:59:14') and gt_pfi_ffi(index_out(i)) eq 1 then begin ; nsfc=total(leak_data(10:23,10:23)) ; ndat=total(data_out(10:23,10:23,i)) ; data_out(0:255,0:255,i)=data_out(0:255,0:255,i)-((ndat/nsfc)*leak_data) ; endif ; ; Special leak handling for 16-Feb-99 eclipse. LWA 30-Jul-09 ; if (anytim(index_out(i)) gt anytim('16-Feb-99 08:57:00') and $ ; anytim(index_out(i)) lt anytim('16-Feb-99 09:06:00')) or $ ; (anytim(index_out(i)) gt anytim('16-Feb-99 09:07:00') and $ ; anytim(index_out(i)) lt anytim('16-Feb-99 09:09:00')) and $ ; gt_pfi_ffi(index_out(i)) eq 1 then begin ; nsfc=total(leak_data(480:506,20:46)) ; ndat=total(data_out(480:506,20:46,i)) ; data_out(0:511,0:511,i)=data_out(0:511,0:511,i)-((ndat/nsfc)*leak_data) ; endif last_val = val(i) called=1 endfor endif ; end of Leak inhibit ; if (not keyword_set(save)) then begin lindex = 0 ;clear the GET_LEAK_SUB common block variables ldata = 0 end ; if (keyword_set(qstop)) then stop if (keyword_set(update_index)) then index = index_out ;stop return, data_out end