function get_yo_entfilt, index, $ value=value, verbose=verbose, header=header ;+ ; NAME: ; get_yo_entfilt ; ; PURPOSE: ; Return significant dates when SXT entrance filter transmission changed. ; the Value keyword returned the fractional open area. ; Created to provide the results from the latest calibration, while ; the GET_YO_DATES kept as it was as of 11-mar-2011. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; SXT_ent= get_yo_dates(/entrance) ; Date SXT entrance filter failed ; SXT_ent= get_yo_dates(/entr,/verbos); Provide additional information ; SXT_ent= get_yo_dates(/entr,/ver,/head); Provide additional information with header ; SXT_ent= get_yo_dates(/entr,/value) ; Provide values of entrance filter ; ; OPTIONAL INPUTS: ; index = Standard Yohkoh index or time in any Yohkoh format ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: ; verbose = Set to return additional information as a string vector ; value = Set to return the associated value (rather than the date) ; header = If verbose is set, return a header as first element of output ; string vector ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; 24-apr-2015, A. Takeda - prepared as modified version of ;- ; on_error,2 ; Return to caller ; ----------- Check the input parameters ----------------- ok = keyword_set(value) + keyword_set(verbose) if ok gt 1 then message,'/value and /verbose are mutually exclusive' ; --------------- Set up the data base --------------------------- launch_date = '30-Aug-91 10:30:00' ; Yohkoh Launch date ; ---- Dates of entrance filter changes ---- E_times = [launch_date, fmt_tim('27-Oct-92 07:18'), $ ; added per L. Acton's final calibration. fmt_tim('13-Nov-92 18:00'), $ ; fmt_tim('13-Nov-92 16:50'), $ ; per L. Acton fmt_tim('1-Aug-93 00:00:00'), $ ; added per L. Acton's final calibration. fmt_tim('16-Aug-95 08:04:20'), $ ; per L. Acton fmt_tim('24-Aug-96 07:00:00'), $ fmt_tim('24-Jan-98 00:00:00'), $ ; ESTIMATE fmt_tim('30-Jan-99 23:17'), $ ; Loren Acton fmt_tim('12-MAR-99 02:00'), $ ; per L. Acton fmt_tim('20-Apr-99 19:02'), $ ; per L. Acton fmt_tim('11-Feb-00 13:00:20'), $ ; Pseduo failure when pointing changed fmt_tim('14-DEC-01 21:12:16')] ; last SXT + 1sec ; ent_val = [0., 1./12, 2./12,3./12, 4./12, 5./12., 6/12.,7/12.,7/12.] ; Open fraction of entrance filter ent_val = [0., 0.071, 0.123, 0.128, 0.284, 0.366, 0.455, $ 0.563, 0.622, 0.666, 0.666, 0.666] ; new values per L. Acton's final cal. ; --------------- Return the requested information ---------------- if n_elements(index) eq 0 then begin times = E_times(0:n_elements(E_times)-1) vvv = ent_val endif else begin times = anytim2ints(index) vvv = fltarr(n_elements(times)) for i=0,n_elements(E_times)-2 do begin ss = sel_timrange(times, E_times(i), E_times(i+1), /between) if ss(0) gt -1 then vvv(ss) = ent_val(i) endfor endelse if keyword_set(verbose) then begin outval = strarr(n_elements(times)) for i=0,n_elements(times)-1 do $ outval(i) = string(fmt_tim(times(i)),vvv(i),format='(a,f10.4)') if keyword_set(header) then outval = [' Date Open Fraction of SXT Entrance Filter',outval] endif else if keyword_set(value) then begin outval = vvv if n_elements(vvv) eq 1 then outval = outval(0) endif else outval = fmt_tim(times) return,outval end