function chk_fem_week,wk,yr,times ;+ ; NAME ; chk_fem_week ; PURPOSE ; To review a list of image times and return a vector of FEM ; days that correspond to those times. Created to deal with ; the FEM week vs. calendar week problem in working with SSCs ; and movies. ; CALLING SEQUENCE ; days=chk_fem_week(wk,yr,times) ; INPUT ; wk, week of the year, e.g., 35. ; yr, calendar year, e.g., 1992. ; times, vector of image times, any format. ; OUTPUT ; String array of FEM (i.e., orbit-based) days in format yyyymmdd. ; E.g., 19921206 ; HISTORY ; 20-Mar-2008 LWA ;- rd_fem,wk,yr,fem tmorn=anytim(fem) tnite=anytim(fem) + fem.night for i=0,n_elements(times)-1 do begin td=where(anytim(times(i)) gt tmorn and anytim(times(i)) lt tnite) tz=anytim(fem(td),/ccsds) daz=strmid(tz,0,4)+strmid(tz,5,2)+strmid(tz,8,2) if n_elements(days) eq 0 then days=daz else days=[days,daz] endfor days=days(sort(days)) days=days(uniq(days)) return,days end