SXT Status Report August 27 - September 9, 2001 (Weeks 35-36) H. Hudson, A. Takeda SOLAR ACTIVITY Solar activity was high but in an odd way - 30 M-class flares and no X-class flares, not counting the M9.5 of 9-Sep. However the active regions were quite bright and the background GOES level remained above the C level for most of the two weeks. The largest active region, NOAA 9808 (S26), grew rapidly in complexity (but wasn't huge in area, attaining an area of 940 on 9-Sep). People who predict big flares got this one right (M9.5) but then again they were wrong the last time. OBSERVING CAMPAIGNS During Week 35, Yohkoh supported the hard X-ray spectrometric observations carried out by an NAOJ/ISAS balloon team. The flight took place on 28-Sep and was successful, except that there was a brief lull in flare activity during the flight. SXT also declared a sigmoid alert on 4-Sep, based on alert pattern recognition at KSC, and then withdrew it on 6-Sep when the region neared the limb. Please see our webpages for details about campaigns past and future: SXT INSTRUMENT STATUS AND CALIBRATION ACTIVITIES Yohkoh normal pointing was adjusted on 6-Sep. TELEMETRY DOWNLINKS Week Wallops Santiago Goldstone Canberra Madrid NASA Japan 36 25 2 3 7 1 38 32 37 28 2 3 5 0 38 26 Kagoshima should average 6*5+2 = 32 and the NASA target is 7*6 = 42. SXT OBSERVING SEQUENCE TABLES ====================================================================== JST Day UT Date & Time Pass Table ID Monday PM 27-Aug-01 12:37 2 010827 P2 ARS1 BAL Tuesday PM 28-Aug-01 10:55 1 010828 P1 ARS1 DIFF Wednesday AM 28-Aug-01 15:58 4 010828 P4 ARS1 BAL* Wednesday PM 29-Aug-01 10:53 1 010829 P1 ARS1 DARK Thursday AM 29-Aug-01 15:57 4 010829 P4 ARS1 STD* Thursday PM 30-Aug-01 12:33 2 010830 P2 ARS1 STD Friday PM 31-Aug-01 12:32 2 010831 P2 ARS1 STD Saturday PM 1-Sep-01 12:30 3 010901 P3 ARS1 STD Monday PM 3-Sep-01 12:27 3 010903 P2 ARS1 STD Tuesday PM 4-Sep-01 07:23 1 010904 P1 ARS1 DIFF Tuesday PM 4-Sep-01 12:27 4 010904 P4 ARS1 STD Wednesday PM 5-Sep-01 07:22 1 010905 P1 ARS1 DARK Wednesday PM 5-Sep-01 09:01 2 010905 P2 ARS1 DARK Wednesday PM 5-Sep-01 12:26 4 010905 P4 ARS1 STD Thursday PM 6-Sep-01 09:01 2 010906 P2 ARS1 STD Friday PM 7-Sep-01 09:00 2 010907 P2 ARS1 STD Saturday PM 8-Sep-01 08:58 3 010908 P3 ARS1 STD The first 5-Sep table was erroneously named and had to be re-done. -------------------------------------------------------------- Data reformatting is complete through August 19, week 33 of 2001. OBSERVING SEQUENCES: From 7-Sep the short exposures of the FFI movie pairs were reduced because of saturation. As mentioned above, these active regions are BRIGHT. This action somewhat degrades the composite images because of the SUTURE procedure, so we will need to watch carefully. SCIENCE NUGGETS: August 31: "Millimeter waves, white light, and gamma rays", a quick look at the X-class flare of August 25. It was memorable in mm-waves and exquisite in TRACE white light, and the Yohkoh gamma-ray (and all other) observations look fine. September 9: "Three X-ray global waves" A newly-discovered X-ray global wave brings the pretty-sure Yohkoh total to 5, and the number with simultaneous Moreton-wave observations to 2 (courtesy K. Shibata). The new one was a C-class flare on 3-Nov-97 (courtesy C. Yatini). The full list of recent nuggets is kept on and the current week's nugget also normally resides on For the complete nugget archive, see one of the following sites. SEMINARS: No seminars for these weeks. PERSONNEL: H. Hudson arrived. G. Slater arrived. TOHBANS (spacecraft operators) for week 35: SSOC Tohbans : K. Akita & J. I. Khan KSC Tohbans : S. Masuda & S. Kamio SXT_CO: A. Takeda SXT_SW: J. Bartus TOHBANS (spacecraft operators) for week 36 SSOC Tohbans : T.T. Ishii & Y. Onodera KSC Tohbans : S. Kamio & K. Fujiki SXT_CO: H. Hudson SXT_SW: J. Bartus, G. Slater