SXT Status Report 15 Dec. 1997 - 28 Dec. 1997 (Weeks 51-52) H. Hudson, S. Savy, M. Weber SUMMARY This is the final SXT status report from 1997. Solar activity relaxed somewhat during this period, with no more than a handful of C-class flares. SXT continues to operate well. For a look at some of the interesting scientific items from 1997, please refer to, which contains some reference material carried by Y. Ogawara to the recent IACG meeting in Moscow. SOLAR ACTIVITY The background GOES level dropped below B1 for the first time in a while, but there continues to be solar activity. There were no major flares, but from SOHO reports of flare-less halo CMEs there may have been greater activity on the invisible hemisphere. SXT INSTRUMENT STATUS AND CALIBRATION ACTIVITIES Data archiving is complete through Week 47 (ending Nov. 24, 1997). The handover to Wallops for ground-station scheduling is going faster than we expected, and in fact faster than it should in consideration of untested systems and the need for software updates. The Wallops ftp mailbox is working well for exchanges of scheduling files and deletion lists. One major problem is that there has been an inexplicable set of errors in pass timing calculations listed by Wallops. At the same time, despite their vow not to, DSN stopped full scheduling information - their scheduling files now omit Wallops and Santiago passes. However their times are right. The confusion about the early handover has been compounded by its arrival just at the end of the year, which is a heavy holiday everywhere but especially in Japan. At present, we are fully switched over to the Wallops side and are trying to eliminate the bugs in the new system. Activity was low enough on Dec. 26 to slip the "super-long" exposures in for a day, just in time to observe the interconnecting structure shown in the current "science nugget". WEB-BASED SCIENCE REPORTS The scheme of weekly reporting by the SXT Chief Observer on Web pages has continued. The current "science nugget" is now at which links to this report and other pages, the previous science nuggets reported by SXT chief observers. dimming EIT Calroc Nov 6 flare Nov 14 LDE Movies of ejecta! X2.9 ejective flare Solar cycle Amazing arcade AR development Interconnection The most recent entry deals with a trans-equatorial linkage between two active regions, N and S. This sort of linkage had been noted in the Skylab data, and in the Yohkoh context by Tsuneta and by Canfield et al., the latter calling attention to the strong selection effect for AR's with like helicities to want to link. In this case, although we don't have a report on the helicities yet, we actually observed the linked structure develop, or at least brighten up. It appears to tie into the cores of the two active regions and to pass under high-lying loops associated with each. Worth further analysis for sure! PASS CONFLICTS AT KSC (Akebono, HALCA, ASCA) Week 51, 7 passes lost due to Akebono. Week 52, 6 passes lost due to Akebono. CAMPAIGNS There were no formal campaigns during these two weeks. For Yohkoh target planning, the SXT weekly observing plan is available on the Web at or with "finger | more". See for SoHO target planning. VISITORS AND PERSONNEL Hudson returned from a trip to California. Weber departed for a vacation in Wakayama. SEMINARS There were no Yohkoh seminars during these weeks. The seminar series will resume in 1998. TOHBANS Tohbans for Week 51 SSOC: N.Shinohara, Te.Watanabe KSC : M.Torii, M. Tonooka SXT_CO: M. Weber SXT_SW: - Tohbans for Week 52 SSOC: Y. Kato, T. Kosugi KSC : S. Masuda, J. Sato SXT_CO: H. Hudson SXT_SW: -