SXT Status Report 26 June - 02 June 1995 (Week 26) --------- David Alexander 01-Jul-95 Another week of me as Chief Observer goes by and the satellite is still in orbit. Impressive or what? It has been a quiet week both at the Sun and here in Japan. My big excitement for the week was seeing a man park his van in an alley-way (yes! it's been a slow news week folks!). What was amazing about this was that there was a lamp-post about 4 feet in front of the entrance to the alley. And he backed in! ____ || O O || || | | || || | | || || O [] O || ___________|| \__/ ||___________ sidewalk ________________O_________________ If people could park like that in Montana we would have more room to rope cows. Oh, and it is still raining! This week's report is brought to you by "Tissues of Kitten", the tissue of champions. SOLAR ACTIVITY The activity level was low with one major active region (AR 7882), dominating the PFI observations. The low solar activity provides us with an excellent opportunity to study the quiet corona using the great versatility of the SXT. SXT INSTRUMENT STATUS The SXT instrument continues to be in great working order. CALIBRATION STATUS The offpoint terminator program continues with many terminator images taken this week. The diligence of the SSOC tohbans helps make this a successful program. PASS CONFLICTS We lost a total of 6 passes due to conflicts with ASCA. SCIENCE Alexander's work with Katsev (at MSU) on the effects of projection on SXT images was written up for submission. One interesting result is that a homogeneous loop (uniform density and temperature) when viewed from a longitudinal angle of around 45 degrees produces the appearance of a bright source at the top of the loop. SEMINARS There was no Yohkoh seminar this week due to the absence of both organisers (Hudson-san and Shibata-san). PERSONNEL Both Carl Foley and Sam Krucker left after what we hope was a productive visit to ISAS. QUOTE OF THE WEEK There is nothing new under the Sun but there are lots of old things we don't know yet. Ambrose Pierce Week 26 Tohbans: SSOC: Sawa and Shinoda KSC: Sano and Fujiki SXT Chief Observer: D. Alexander SXT Systems and Data Engineer: G. Linford