SXT Status Report 19 Mar. - 1 Apr. 1995 (Weeks 12-13) --------- Mark A. Weber 31-Mar-1995 SOLAR ACTIVITY Some large, interesting active regions have been working their way across the solar disc over the last couple of weeks. GOES data has shown a corresponding increase in general background from the previous week. Further, there were 4 notable C-class events, and a M2.4 event. It is interesting to note that the GOES data shows two C-class events just prior to the M-class event. The M-flare, on the southeast limb, is exciting to look at. A very clear helmet can be seen, but the streamer appears to be bending back over towards the Sun with unusual curvature, and unusual brightness. Many flare models today would expect the streamer to extend generally away from the Sun, due to the magnetic field geometries believed necessary for the production of the flare. COORDINATED CAMPAIGNS There were no coordinated campaigns in weeks 12 or 13 (19 Mar. - 1 Apr.). SXT CALIBRATION Straylight- terminator offpointing campaign: As part of the calibration process for the straylight impinging upon the CCD camera, it is important to collect a database of "terminator" images. L. Acton has shown that the straylight signal is dependent upon the sun center pointing of the SXT, so the terminator (or SFT) database should include sun center pointings commensurate to the sun center pointings of the larger SFR database. The recent focus has been to organize the procedure by which the offpoint terminators are planned and executed. Operations-tohban Hugh Hudson and Chief Observer Mark Weber did not take many terminators during Weeks 12 and 13, but had several fruitful discussions leading to an increased mutual understanding of the project, and a clearer view of the next steps to be taken. Incoming Chief Observer Jim Lemen was also brought into the cabal; partly because of the Chief Observer's role in planning the terminators, and partly because of the assistance Lemen can give in preparing the software support. SXT INSTRUMENT STATUS There is only good news: SXT continues to function smoothly and without problems. YOHKOH PASS CONFLICTS Yohkoh was still in competition with ASCA and SFU for ground-contact time (although the situation has greatly improved since the last Status Report). This factor, combined with a particularly bad week (Week 12) for operational errors, has constrained somewhat the ability of the SXT Chief Observer to do Table Uploads; but this is no cause for concern since there were no special operations for SXT over this time period. A result was that not many terminator-offpoints were accumulated, but again, progress was made in areas of that project other than data-accumulation. SEMINARS No seminar was given in Week 12 since many of our Japanese colleagues were attending the semi-annual Meeting of the Astronomical Society of Japan. Keith Strong reports that the solar science session had many interesting talks, and that a good number of them were given by young and enthusiastic students. On Thursday, March 30, the current trend to have multiple speakers was upheld. T. Yoshida of the University of Tokyo gave forth on "Temperature Structures of Solar Active Regions". The temperature motif was continued in "Temperature Distributions of Solar Coronal Loops", by R. Kano, also of the University of Tokyo. PERSONNEL Samuel Freeland arrived on March 21, to take up the reins of software support from Lawrence Shing, who left the next day. Mark Weber and Keith Strong both departed on Saturday, April 1 for the States. Jim Lemen will be the Chief Observer starting with Week 14. Week 12: Tohbans: SSOC: H. Hudson, J. Khan KSC: S. Koide, K. Koyama SXT Chief Observer: M. Weber, K. Strong SXT Systems and Data Engineer: L. Shing Week 13: Tohbans: SSOC: Y. Hanaoka, H. Tanooka KSC: N. Kobayashi, T. Watanabe SXT Chief Observer: M. Weber, K. Strong SXT Systems and Data Engineer: S. Freeland