6 December 1999 H.S. Hudson CHIEF OBSERVER'S REPORT for Week 49 28-Nov-99 to 6-Dec-99 GENERAL Solar activity was low, we are assuming that this is a courteous Sun prolonging Yohkoh's orbit lifetime for overlap with HESSI and SOLAR-B. In contrast to last week, when _all_ of the regions were delta spots, this week _none_ are. How can the Sun be so lopsided? SXT TECHNICAL There were no problems during the week. For Web material see Current Week: http://isass1.solar.isas.ac.jp/sxt_co/991205.html Index: http://isass1.solar.isas.ac.jp/sxt_co/index.html This week's science nugget deals with the question of how well ARS1 (brightest-region tracking) anticipates flare occurrence. CAMPAIGNS There were no organized campaigns this week. We continued taking higher-cadence quarter-resolution FFIs, but this week's plan is to discontinue this while we assess the many images we've obtained. On the other hand, there was a hint of a successful global wave detection today (Dec. 5). Flare mode continues with the modified AEC offset scheme. For SXT plans, see: http://isass1.solar.isas.ac.jp/sxt_co/sxt_future.html For SXT completed campaigns, see: http://isass1.solar.isas.ac.jp/sxt_co/sxt_catalog.html PERSONNEL No changes. SEMINARS No seminar. SXT TABLE PLAN, WEEK 50 (5-Dec-99 to 11-Dec-99) The FlareGenesis balloon has slipped from 9-Dec, so we will try to squeeze in a bakeout this week. Yohkoh data will be used to choose targets, so we will be looking closely at the data and generating daily target messages through Max Millenium starting (for practice) on the 8th. In the meanwhile we will return to the standard FFI table but continue the AEC-enabled overexposed PFI sequences in flare mode. If we have a target and a balloon flight, we may go to ARS2 and track the target. YES! A CCD BAKEOUT! ________________________________#_______________________________ JST Day UT Start Time Pass Table ID Tuesday PM 7-DEC-99 07:50 3 991207 P3 ARS1 DARKCAL Wednesday PM 8-DEC-99 04:38 1 991208 P1 ARS1 DIFF Thursday PM 9-DEC-99 06:33 3 991209 P3 ARS1 STD Friday PM 10-DEC-99 05:03 1 991210 P1 BAKE Saturday PM 11-DEC-99 05:15 3 991211 P3 ARS1 STD The bakeout sequence, as before (July 21 approximately) should go as follows: 11-Dec: pass 1 - special bakeout sequence table pass 2 - TEC off pass 3 - heater on pass 4 - contingency, we'll be watching the data 12-Dec pass 1 - heater off pass 3 - TEC on, standard table pass 5 - contingency Continuing requests: KSC & SSOC Tohbans: If any KSC passes are likely to be cancelled (for example due to a typhoon) or an SXT table cannot be uploaded for some reason, please telephone and e-mail the Chief Observer immediately. (sxt_co@isass0.solar.isas.ac.jp, copy to sxt_st@flare2.solar.isas.ac.jp). KSC Tohbans: In general flare mode supersedes table upload, i.e. if a flare is in progress please do not upload a new table, and contact the chief observer. Normally it is OK to go ahead with the planned table without change on the next pass, if it is available. Chief observers should keep an eye on this.