28 November 1999 N.V. Nitta, H.S. Hudson CHIEF OBSERVER'S REPORT for Week 48 21-Nov-99 to 27-Nov-99 GENERAL Solar activity was high, with many (11) M-class flares and one X flare, the third of the year. Most of the biggies were from AR 8771 (CMP 22 Nov, just crossing the limb today. However all eight of the ARs listed for Nov. 27 were delta type! SXT TECHNICAL There were no problems during the week. For Web material see Current Week: http://isass1.solar.isas.ac.jp/sxt_co/991126.html Index: http://isass1.solar.isas.ac.jp/sxt_co/index.html This week's science nugget dealt with an old analysis of superhot flares observed by Yohkoh. CAMPAIGNS There were no organized campaigns this week. We continued taking higher-cadence quarter-resolution FFIs. Dave McKenzie's AEC parameters worked well, giving us adequately over-exposed images for a range of brightness. For SXT plans, see: http://isass1.solar.isas.ac.jp/sxt_co/sxt_future.html For SXT completed campaigns, see: http://isass1.solar.isas.ac.jp/sxt_co/sxt_catalog.html PERSONNEL Dave McKenzie returned to Bozeman. Nariaki Nitta returned to Palo Alto. Hugh Hudson returned. SEMINARS No seminar. SXT TABLE PLAN, WEEK 49 (29-Nov-99 to 05-Dec-99) There are no official campaigns planned. Therefore, we continue the high cadence QR sequence (FFI) and AEC-enabled overexposed PFI sequence. ________________________________#_______________________________ JST Day UT Start Time Pass Table ID Monday PM 29-NOV-99 07:52 1 991129 P1 ARS1 DARK Tuesday PM 30-NOV-99 06:24 1 991130 P1 ARS1 DIFF Tuesday PM 30-NOV-99 11:29 4 991130 P4 ARS1 HI-FFI Wednesday PM 01-DEC-99 06:35 1 991201 P1 ARS1 HI-FFI Thursday PM 02-DEC-99 10:12 3 991202 P3 ARS1 HI-FFI Friday PM 03-DEC-99 07:00 2 991203 P2 ARS1 HI-FFI Saturday PM 04-DEC-99 08:55 3 991204 P3 ARS1 STD This plan is subject to change all over again.