SSOC TOBAN REPORT FOR WEEK 29 (18 July to 25 July 1994) SSOC: Nakajima and Yuda, Help by Takahashi KSC: Bushimata and Ohkubo 1. SOLAR ACTIVITY --------------------------------------------- Solar activity was low in this week. There occurred 6 flares above X-ray class B2; the largest was C3.2. 2. STANDARD OPERATIONS ---------------------------------------- 2.1 SXT table uploads JST day Table ID 18-Jul-94 940718 P3 ARS1 DKCAL 19-Jul-94 940719 P2 ARS1 S-OFFPNT [ROG 56h (S/C 8' SOUTH OFFPOINT)] 940719 P3 ARS1 STD+LONG [ROG 20h (S/C NORMAL)] 20-Jul-94 940720 P2 ARS1 STD+LONG 21-Jul-94 940721 P2 ARS1 STD+LONG 22-jul-94 940722 P2 ARS1 STD+LONG 23-jul-94 940723 P2 ARS1 STD+LONG 2.2 STT timer set was done on Monday, 18-July, and will be done again on Monday, 25-July. The next week toban may be needed to do another setting on 1 Aug. 3. SPECIAL OPERATIONS ---------------------------------------- 19-Jul ROG 56h(S/C SOUTH) (P2) ( Offset Pointing) ROG 20h(S/C NORMAL)(P3) 4. ERRORS AND PROBLEMS ---------------------------------------- 4.1 20-m antenna S-band transmitter trouble As there occurred trouble with the s-band transmitter in Pass 1 on July 19, the commands were not able to be sent to the satellite. The s-band transmitter was recovered before the operation of Pass 2. We have gotten a report from NEC on how to avoid the operation failure of the transmittter. 4.2 Printer Trouble in KSC There was some trouble with one of the printers in KSC, and daily sun-spot region maps from NOAA were not able to be obtained. 4.3 SXT bit-map error Occurred on 23-jul, but was recovered promptly 4.4 ASCA-YOHKOH conflict meeting on 22-jul (Fri). There was no expert person in both ASCA and YOHKOH sides who experienced the meeting in the past. Lemen-san,Itoh-san, and Zylstra-san were not absent. At about 19 JST, we requested Handy-san to come to B-toh. Around that time, Zylstra-san, who was busy with preparation for returning back to his country, came to B-toh. Then, we resolved the ASCA-YOHKOH conflict problem with help from Zylstra- and Handy-san, and were able to respond to the STRAWMAN schedule. This was a bad thing. To avoid such situation, SSOC should check prior to the meeting whether the relevant persons can attend the meeting. 5. DSN COMMUNICATIONS ------------------------------------------ 5.1 DSN schedule delivery All schedule were normally delivered on time. 5.2 Re-transmission requests NONE 6. YOHKOH/ASCA PASS CONFLICTS --------------------------------- Two KSC passes were lost during Week 29 because of conflict with ASCA (5th passes on 18- and 23-Jul). We are going to lose the 5th passes on 28- and 29-jul during Week 30. 7. Holiday Schedule --------------------------------- Yohkoh holiday schedule has been set through the beginning of September in such a way as to minimize the ASCA conflicts, but within our Sunday-holiday policy. The next holiday wii be on 31 August. 8. HIKITSUGI ITEMS --------------------------------- 8.1 Tobans for week 30 SSOC: Lemen/Sterling KSC: Okubo/Takahashi 8.2 Yohkoh/ASCA pass conflicts At present, it is SSOC toban's job to negotiate with ASCA people for telemetry conflict resolution. On every Wednesday, SSOC toban should negotiate with Nagase-san for KSC contacts in the next week. On every Friday, we have a regular meeting at 14:00 JST in B-toh ASCA room to resolve DSN conflicts for STRAWMAN schedule. Ito-san (ASCA), ASCA foreign scientist, Lemen-san, SSOC should attend this meeting. 8.3 Daily sun-spot region maps from NOAA One of the printers at KSC is not fixed. SSOC toban should send a daily NOAA sun-spot region map to KSC every morning. 8.4 Katazuke Please delete all personal files that have accumulated in the yohkoh directories on flare11 and flare1. One can get a list of them by doing flare11% ls -lt | more for example. 8.5 New software Katano_san has made new software that will replace ATTLOG. It will record both real-time offpoint and OP offpoints. She will also run this software. The tohbans should coordinate on this and run ATTLOG if necessary this week.