Sep. 2, 2000 (RK+HSH) Standard messages, in clearly understandable English, for entry on the CONTINGENCY field of the SXT table fax. 1) The current table is safe and should just continue: "If there is a problem with the upload, please try again on the next pass. If you have no chance to upload the table today, you can continue to use the current table until tomorrow. The current table is safe." 2) The current table is safe for a pass or two, but should not run through the invisible orbits: "If there is a problem with the upload, please try again on the next pass. If you have no chance to upload the table today, please contact the SXT_CO or SXT_ST. They will request you to execute the SXT halt operation on the last pass." 3) We have to stop using the current table immediately. "If there is a problem with the upload, please cancel the table upload today, and contact the SXT_CO or SXT_ST. They will request you to execute the SXT halt operation on the next pass."