;+ ; NAME: ; CHECK_FOR_30S ; PURPOSE: ; check recent two weeks' worth of data for Nakakubo-type exposures ; CATEGORY: ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; check_for_30s ; check_for_30s, /list ; INPUTS: ; none ; OPTIONAL (KEYWORD) INPUT PARAMETERS: ; list, lists the images ; ROUTINES CALLED ; RD_OBS, ANYTIM ; OUTPUTS: ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; RESTRICTIONS: ; may not provide a complete listing because the most recent data ; may not have been reformatted ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; 2-Jul-00, written (HSH) ;- pro check_for_30s, quiet=quiet, list=list tstart = anytim(anytim(!stime) - 86400.*2,/yoh) tstop = !stime rd_obs,anytim(tstart,/yoh),tstop,a,b,c,/sxtf,/quiet ss = where(gt_filtb(b) eq 3 and gt_dpe(b) eq 30 and gt_expmode(b) eq 0 $ and gt_percentd(b) eq 100) if n_elements(quiet) eq 0 then fmt_timer,[tstart,tstop] print,'Found ',n_elements(ss),' appropriate images in the past two weeks.' print,' ' if keyword_set(list) then info = get_info(b(ss)) end