Yohkoh SXT FAX Institute of Space and Astronautical Science 3-1-1 Yoshinodai, Sagamihara Kanagawa Prefecture 229 Japan Phone: 042-759-8466 Fax: 042-759-8469 ___________________________ To: Yohkoh Tohbans at both SSOC and KSC Page 1 of 7 Fax# 759-4240 (B-toh), 0994-67-4009 (KSC) From: SXT Chief Observer: L. Fletcher, D. McKenzie. Date: 27 October 1999 12:25 JST Subj: SXT Table upload for Wednesday 27-oct JST, Pass 4 Pass 4: 27-Oct-99 14:31 JST (27-Oct-99 05:31 UT) Table ID: 991027 P4 ARS2 DIFF+FLARE ########################################################################### THIS TABLE HAS BEEN TRANSMITTED TO KSC ########################################################################### COMMENT: The FFIs are standard; the weekly diffusers are in and the experimental flare-monitor FFIs have been removed. The terminator is AL12/NuDen. The PFIs are special flare PFIs for JOP 113, with region-tracking (ARS2) pointing. SXT returns to FFI-dominant mode for standard cadences. The target region is AR 8739; coordinates as of 05:31 UT 27-oct are heliographic: S13,W13. SoHO/TRACE: (x,y) = (205", -291") CONTINGENCY PLANS: If the Pass 4 upload is not successful, then please try again at Pass 5 and notify the SXT_CO. PRINT JOBS: Compare: 4 Command: 5 PLAN: There are two uploads planned for tomorrow, at Passes 1 and 3. Like today, the first will start PFI-dominant and fixed pointing, and the second will return to FFI-dominant and ARS2 pointing. The names will be: "991027 P1 ARS0 FLARE SPEC" "991027 P3 ARS2 FLARE SPEC" Note that the dates look strange. This is because of our convention of naming the tables according to the UT date of the first pass of the KSC day. CONTACTS: For home phone calls: L. Fletcher 0427-69-4541 D. McKenzie 0427-69-4591 David McKenzie Lyndsay Fletcher