Yohkoh SXT FAX Institute of Space and Astronautical Science 3-1-1 Yoshinodai, Sagamihara Kanagawa Prefecture 229 Japan Phone: 042-759-8466 Fax: 042-759-8469 ___________________________ To: Yohkoh Tohbans at both SSOC and KSC Page 1 of 7 Fax# 759-4240 (B-toh), 0994-67-4009 (KSC) From: SXT Chief Observer: D. McKenzie Date: 05 May 1999 21:15 JST Subj: SXT Table upload for Wednesday night, Pass 2 Pass 2: 05-May-99 21:30 JST (05-May-99 12:30 UT) Table ID: 990505 P2 ARS2 DF+J104 ########################################################################### THIS TABLE HAS BEEN TRANSMITTED TO KSC ########################################################################### COMMENT: This is a PFI-dominant table, to last until its replacement at Pass 4. FFIs are standard, plus the weekly diffuser images. PFIs are fixed-exposure AlMg (full- and half-resolution) in ARS2 pointing mode to support JOP 104, a campaign to look for X-ray jets. Heliographic coordinates are N20, W89 at 12:30 UT on 05-May. The terminator image is AL.1/NuDen. PLAN: A table upload is planned for Pass 4, 15:55 UT. It will be a standard table, plus quarter-res dark FFIs for straylight monitor experimentation, plus ARS2 PFIs for JOP 104. KSC Tohbans, please transfer the second table with SXTSPT after the first upload is completed. PRINT JOBS: Compare: M Command: N CONTACTS: For home phone calls: H. Hudson (03) 3452-2764 D. McKenzie 0427-69-4547 Thank you, David McKenzie