Yohkoh SXT FAX Institute of Space and Astronautical Science 3-1-1 Yoshinodai, Sagamihara Kanagawa Prefecture 229 Japan Phone: 0427-69-4531 Fax: 0427-69-4532 ___________________________ To: Yohkoh Tohbans at both SSOC and KSC Page 1 of 8 Fax# 59-4240 (B-toh), 0994-67-4009 (KSC) From: SXT Chief Observer: Hudson & McKenzie Date: 18 February 1998 12:45 JST Subj: SXT Table upload for Wednesday afternoon, Pass 1. Pass 1: 18-Feb-98 14:03 JST (18-Feb-98 05:03 UT) Table ID: 980218 P1 ARS0 BAKE *** This table has been transferred to KSC *** COMMENT: This is a special table to monitor images during a CCD bakeout. There will not be many solar full-disk images, and the partial-frame images, locked on AR 8156, will look unusual as the CCD temperature becomes higher. (KSC Tohbans, please monitor the temperature variation during passes 2-4.) PLAN: TODAY: At Pass 2, the TEC OFF command will be given; at Pass 3 the heater will be turned on. TOMORROW: At Pass 1, the heater will be turned off; at Pass 2 the cooling will be turned on; at Pass 3 a new table will be uploaded. PRINT JOBS: Compare: F Command: G CONTACTS: For home phone calls: First: H. Hudson (03)3452-2764 Second: D. McKenzie (0427)69-4498 Thank you David McKenzie Hugh Hudson SXT Chief Observer