Yohkoh SXT FAX Institute of Space and Astronautical Science 3-1-1 Yoshinodai, Sagamihara Kanagawa Prefecture 229 Japan Phone: 0427-69-4531 Fax: 0427-69-4532 ___________________________ To: Yohkoh Tohbans at both SSOC and KSC Page 1 of 8 Fax# 59-4240 (B-toh), 0994-67-4009 (KSC) From: SXT Chief Observer: Hugh Hudson Date: 28 January 1998 13:00 JST Subj: SXT Table upload for Thursday morning, Pass 3. Pass 3: 29-JAN-98 04:15 JST (28-JAN-98 19:15 UT) Table ID: 980128 P3 ARS2 ROCKET1 *** THIS TABLE HAS NOT BEEN TRANSFERRED YET!! *** *** SPECIAL OPERATION!! **** COMMENT: These tables aim at matching Hara's request for SXT exposures during the rocket. The sequences will be initiated by an SXT CTL AT about six minutes before the scheduled start of rocket observations. The simultaneous FFI images are the three exposure times for standard AlMg images. In the PFIs we are alternating between FR 2x2 observations of an active region (8143 for practice, but right now the NW looks a lot more interesting), and Sun center at HR 1x1 long exposures (limiting at 30 s). Please show this to Hara_san for checking. I am planning to make a couple of changes from this version, in particular to add a second long loop in the PFI's to avoid having all of the long PFI exposures continue for much longer than the rocket observation interval. PLAN: Please refer to the tentative plan at "finger campaign@isass0" for the rest of the week. PRINT JOBS: Not scheduled yet. CONTACTS: For home phone calls: First: H. Hudson (03) 3452-2764. Then: S. Savy (0427) 69-4591. Thank you Hugh Hudson SXT Chief Observer