YOHKOH SXT FAX Institute of Space and Astronautical Science 3-1-1 Yoshinodai, Sagamihara Kanagawa Prefecture 229 Japan Phone: 0427-69-4531 Fax: 0427-69-4532 ___________________________ To: Yohkoh Tohbans at both SSOC and KSC Page 1 of 8 Fax# 59-4240 (B-toh), 0994-67-4009 (KSC) From: SXT Chief Observer: M. Weber Date: 24 August 1995, 17:15 JST Subj: SXT Table upload for Friday (JST) Pass 2: 25-AUG-95 15:24 JST (25-AUG-95 06:24 UT) Table ID: 950823 P2 ARS0 POLAR THIS TABLE HAS BEEN SENT TO KSC. PURPOSE: This table is designed for polar ray observing in conjunction with the proposal by Koutchmy and Hara. A 4x1 (EW x NS) PFI is centered about 50 arcsec above the solar north pole. Exposures are taken at 30 DPE with the AlMg filter. ARS and ART modes are disabled. This table will be replaced at Pass 4 (18:50 JST). Terminators should be taken at STANDARD POINTING, with the Beryllium filter (Be). TERMINATORS: Terminator: 25-AUG-95 06:46:56 Downlink: 25-AUG-95 08:04:48 U Terminator: 25-AUG-95 08:24:00 Downlink: 25-AUG-95 09:48:16 U OUTPUTS: COMPARE: SR0001K COMMAND: SR0001L PLAN: There will be a Standard observing table uploaded at Pass 4, which will last through the weekend: 950825 P4 ARS1 STD+LONG . Thank you, SXT Chief Observer Mark Weber