;+ ; NAME: ; print_ogsel ; PURPOSE: ; FTP the output of OPOGEDT from FACOM and print it ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; print_ogsel ; print_ogsel,/browse,/print ; HISTORY: ; 97/08/08 T. Sakurai ; 97/11/24 H. Hudson, converted to procedure with keywords ;- pro print_ogsel, browse=browse, print=print remotefile='ogsel.outlist' localfile='~/ogsel.lst' user = 's80671' password = 'solar' + string((anytim2ex(!stime))(5),format='(i2.2)') host = '' ; 21-Feb-96 New mainframe GS8400/10 ftp_from_facom,remotefile,localfile,host,user+' '+password if keyword_set(browse) eq 1 then $ spawn, 'sed -e s/^1// ~/ogsel.lst | more' spawn, 'sed -e s/^1// ~/ogsel.lst | lpr -h -Plp' aa = rd_tfile(localfile) for i = 0,9 do begin if (strmid(aa(i),5,6) eq 'NUMBER') then filename1 = strmid(aa(i),15,2) endfor for i = 0,9 do begin if (strmid(aa(i),8,2) eq 'OG') then filename2 = strmid(aa(i),65,8) endfor filename = 'og'+filename1+'_'+filename2 spawn, 'cp ~/ogsel.lst ~/opog/'+filename end