pro update_sxt_co_index, outfil=outfil, nocopy=nocopy ;+ ; Name: UPDATE_SXT_CO_INDEX ; PURPOSE: edit the index.html file to insert the title of the newest nugget. ; CALLING SEQUENCE: update_sxt_co_index, outfil=outfil ; OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORD: outfil- specify the output, without which ; index.html is modified. ; SIDE EFFECT: unless nocopy is set, the newest nugget is copied ; to SXTweekly.html. ; HISTORY: written, 17-Mar-01, NVN ; debugged, 20-Apr-2001, NVN ;- cmonth=['-Jan-','-Feb-','-Mar-','-Apr-','-May-','-Jun-','-Jul-', $ '-Aug-','-Sep-','-Oct-','-Nov-','-Dec-'] spawn,'pwd',pwd0 print,'Your present working directory is ',pwd0 print,'Change directory to /home/www/sxt_co, but you will be back at ',pwd0 cd,'/home/www/sxt_co' ; cd,'/net/notung/usr/people/nitta/idlpro/sxt_co_dummy' file=find_file('index.html') sz0=size(file) if sz0(0) ne 1 then begin print,'index.html does not exist or is not unique.' print,'size(find_file(''index.html''))=',sz print,'Please restore the index.html file. I am not doing anything now.' return endif pex=anytim2ex(!stime) dummy='index_'+string(pex(6),format='(i4.4)')+ $ string(pex(5),format='(i2.2)')+string(pex(4),format='(i2.2)') cmd='/bin/cp -p index.html '+dummy spawn,cmd print,'index.html copied to a temporary file '+dummy infil=find_newest_nugget() sz=size(infil) if sz(1) ne 7 then begin print,'no newest nugget obtained' return endif print,'the newest nugget = ',infil(0) year=strmid(infil(0),0,2) day=strmid(infil(0),4,2) fmtt=day+cmonth(fix(strmid(infil(0),2,2))-1)+year y=rd_tfile(infil) ny=n_elements(y) h1ex=intarr(ny) b1ex=intarr(ny) for i=0,ny-1 do h1ex(i)=strpos(y(i),'

') for i=0,ny-1 do b1ex(i)=strpos(y(i),'

') jj=where(h1ex ne -1,nj) if nj ne 2 then print,'# of

not 2' kk=where(b1ex ne -1,nk) if nk ne 2 then print,'# of

not 2' z=arr2str(y(jj(1)+1:kk(1)-1)) sc0=strpos(z,'
') sc2=strpos(z,'
') titl=strmid(z,sc0+9,(sc2-1-(sc0+9))) print,'title of the newest nugget = ',titl yy=rd_tfile(file) szy=size(yy) nyy=n_elements(yy) ftab=intarr(nyy) for i=0,nyy-1 do ftab(i)=strpos(yy(i),'') ll=where(ftab ne -1, nll) if nll eq 0 then begin print,'There is no
in the file.' return endif yprev=yy(ll(0)+2) sday0=strpos(yprev,'"') prevy=strmid(yprev,sday0(0)+1,2) prevm=strmid(yprev,sday0(0)+3,2) prevd=strmid(yprev,sday0(0)+5,2) prevt=prevd+cmonth(fix(prevm)-1)+prevy ; the most recent date in index.html is compared with the date of ; the nugget. if the latter is not 7 days after the former, ; then index.html will not be updated. delt=int2secarr(fmtt,prevt)/86400L if delt ne 7L then begin print,'The newest nugget is ',delt,' (not 7) days after the current nugget.' print,'Therefore, index.html is not updated." goto, cops endif t0='' t1='' t2='' t3='' yyy=strarr(nyy+4) yyy(0:ll(0))=yy(0:ll(0)) yyy(ll(0)+1)=t0 yyy(ll(0)+2)=t1 yyy(ll(0)+3)=t2 yyy(ll(0)+4)=t3 yyy(ll(0)+5:nyy+4-1)=yy(ll(0)+1:nyy-1) if n_elements(outfil) ne 1 then outfil=file(0) print,'The file '+outfil+' is going to be changed.' openw,lun,outfil,/get_lun for i=0,nyy+4-1 do printf,lun,yyy(i) close,lun print,'The information on the newest nugget inserted." cops: print,infil(0),' is being copied to SXTweekly.html, if it is Saturday or later.' cmd='/bin/cp -p '+infil(0)+' SXTweekly.html' ; only after Saturday of the week of the nugget if int2secarr(fmtt,!stime)/86400. lt -1.0 then spawn,cmd ; fmtt is friday wid0=anytim2weekid(addtime(fmtt,delt=3.*60.*24.),/str) ; next week's wid wid=strmid(wid0,0,5) womfil=find_file('/home/sxt_co/wom_rep/table_plan.'+wid(0)) szw=size(womfil) if szw(0) eq 1 then begin cd,'/home/www/sxt_co/'+strmid(infil(0),0,6)+'/' cmdw='/bin/cp -p '+womfil+' .' spawn,cmdw print,'Wom report for week '+wid+' copied to '+strmid(infil(0),0,6) plan2html,'table_plan.'+wid(0) print,'HTML version of wom report created.' endif else begin print,'No wom file for week '+wid+' found.' endelse print,'everything went smoothly.' print,'Therefore, a copy of the old index.html '+dummy+' will be erased.' cd,'/home/www/sxt_co' cmdlast='/bin/rm '+dummy spawn,cmdlast cd,pwd0(0) return end