;+ ; NAME: ; TERM_REVIEW ; PURPOSE: ; Show the SFC pointing locations graphically for a specific ; time range. Specific for terminators since rupture #4. ; CATEGORY: ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; term_review ; term_review,filcon1,filcon2 ; term_review, tstart, tstop, sfc_rm = sfc_rm, /q ; term_review,rm_sft=rm_sft,rm_sfc=rm_sfc,xy_sfc=xy_sfc,xy_sft=xy_sft,/wide ; (this gives you the works) ; INPUTS: ; filcon1, filcon2, Numerical format for filter configurations to ; plot: 21=Al.1/Open 26=Al.1/NuDen ; 31=AlMg/Open 36=AlMg/NuDen ; 41=Be/Open 46=Be/NuDen ; 51=Al12/Open 56=Al12/NuDen ; 61=Mg/Open 66=Mg/NuDen ; defaults to filcon1=21, filcon2=31 (If choose only one, it ; will still plot two configurations..DEM) ; OPTIONAL (KEYWORD) INPUT PARAMETERS: ; tstart, tstop, any format (defaults to the current interval, ; ie from rupture #3 to the present) ; wide => displays the extended EW range needed to see the offpoints ; rm_sfc, rm_sft, xy_sft, xy_sfc send back info ; compare => plot showing core distributions of SFM and SFC images ; qstop ; set => offpoint information for re-setting OG 32 ; ROUTINES CALLED ; FINDFILE, GT_FILTA, GT_FILTB, RD_ROADMAP, !stime ; OUTPUTS: ; rm_sfc and rm_sft, the roadmap files for the selected SFC(SFT) entries ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; RESTRICTIONS: ; Grabs IDL 0 and graphs the (x,y) coordinates of the SFC's from the ; two soft filters ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; HSH, written 24-aug-96 - one day before rupture! ; HSH, added some stuff 30-aug-96 ; HSH, looked things over 18-sep-96 ; HSH, removed hard-wired directories and enlarged, 27-Nov-96 ; HSH, added a table of SFC successes, 29-Nov-96 ; HSH, colored the most recent point, 18-Dec-96 ; HSH, added "quiet" keyword, 1-Mar-97 ; HSH, added xy outputs and /plot, 28-Mar-97 ; HSH, made the default plot better for monitoring NS drift. /wide ; now gives the whole offpointing EW range. ; HSH, switched to index.his to get sxt_cen values (Sam's suggestion), ; 16-May-97 ; HSH, fixed to work with TEK graphics, 1-jun-97 ; HSH, added /compare 18-jul-97 ; HSH, added /set 14-aug-97 ; DEM, added options of plotting different filters, 19-oct-97 ; HSH, changed /compare to look at current SFD's, 23-oct-97 ; HSH, routine pointing update 30-Oct-97 ; HSH, repaired /compare and /set functions 22-Dec-97 ; HSH, routine pointing update 24-Dec-97 (last entry like this!) ; HSH, updated for rupture #4 4-Feb-98 (default tstart = 24-Jan-98) ; DMcK, colored SFD points in /comp for better visibility, and ; cleaned up textual output related to addition of 19-oct-97, ; 29-jan-99. ; HSH, replaced FIND_FILE with FILE_LIST, 21-Jun-99 ;- pro term_review, filcon1, filcon2, tstart=tstart, tstop=tstop, $ rm_sfc = rm_sfc, rm_sft = rm_sft, $ xy_sfc = xy_sfc, xy_sft = xy_sft, qstop = qstop, quiet=quiet, wide=wide,$ xy_sfm = xy_sfm, compare = compare, set=set ;inf_sft = findfile('$DIR_SXT_SFT/sft*') ;inf_sfc = findfile('$DIR_SXT_SFC/sfc*') inf_sft = file_list('$DIR_SXT_SFT','sft*',/cd) inf_sfc = file_list('$DIR_SXT_SFC','sfc*',/cd) rd_roadmap,inf_sft,rm_sft0 rd_roadmap,inf_sfc,rm_sfc0 if n_elements(filcon1) eq 0 then filcon1=21 if n_elements(filcon2) eq 0 then filcon2=31 if n_elements(tstart) eq 0 then tstart = '27-jan-98' if n_elements(tstop) eq 0 then tstop = !stime tt_sfc = tim2dset(rm_sfc0, tstart) tt_sft = tim2dset(rm_sft0, tstart) tt_sfc1 = tim2dset(rm_sfc0, tstop) tt_sft1 = tim2dset(rm_sft0, tstop) rm_sfc = rm_sfc0(tt_sfc:tt_sfc1) rm_sft = rm_sft0(tt_sft:tt_sft1) n_sfc = n_elements(rm_sfc) rd_sda,inf_sfc,tt_sfc+indgen(tt_sfc1-tt_sfc+1),ind_sfc,/nodata xy = ind_sfc.his.sun_center xy = xy(0:1,*) ;xy = sxt_cen(rm_sfc) xy_sfc = xy if n_elements(quiet) eq 0 then begin print,' ' print,'Current SFC images with SXT_CEN values' print,' ' for i = 0,n_sfc-1 do print,fmt_tim(rm_sfc(i)),' ',$ gt_filta(rm_sfc(i),/str),' ',gt_filtb(rm_sfc(i),/str),$ ' ',gt_filta(rm_sfc(i),/str),$ xy(0,i), xy(1,i) print,' ' print,"Time range of SFC's:" fmt_timer,rm_sfc print,' ' dum = where(gt_filtb(rm_sfc) eq 2 and gt_filta(rm_sfc) eq 1, n21) dum = where(gt_filtb(rm_sfc) eq 3 and gt_filta(rm_sfc) eq 1, n31) dum = where(gt_filtb(rm_sfc) eq 4 and gt_filta(rm_sfc) eq 1, n41) dum = where(gt_filtb(rm_sfc) eq 5 and gt_filta(rm_sfc) eq 1, n51) dum = where(gt_filtb(rm_sfc) eq 6 and gt_filta(rm_sfc) eq 1, n61) dum = where(gt_filtb(rm_sfc) eq 2 and gt_filta(rm_sfc) eq 6, n26) dum = where(gt_filtb(rm_sfc) eq 3 and gt_filta(rm_sfc) eq 6, n36) dum = where(gt_filtb(rm_sfc) eq 4 and gt_filta(rm_sfc) eq 6, n46) dum = where(gt_filtb(rm_sfc) eq 5 and gt_filta(rm_sfc) eq 6, n56) dum = where(gt_filtb(rm_sfc) eq 6 and gt_filta(rm_sfc) eq 6, n66) bfil1=fix(filcon1/10) afil1=fix(filcon1-10*bfil1) bfil2=fix(filcon2/10) afil2=fix(filcon2-10*bfil2) dum_fc1=where(gt_filtb(rm_sfc) eq bfil1 and gt_filta(rm_sfc) eq afil1) dum_fc2=where(gt_filtb(rm_sfc) eq bfil2 and gt_filta(rm_sfc) eq afil2) print,'Filter summary:' print,' Al.1 AlMg Be Al12 Mg' print,'Open', n21, n31, n41, n51, n61 print,'ND ', n26, n36, n46, n56, n66 print,' ' if !d.name ne 'TEK' then linecolors if keyword_set(wide) then begin if !d.name ne 'TEK' then wdef,0,800,800 ss = where(gt_filtb(rm_sfc) eq bfil1 and gt_filta(rm_sfc) eq afil1, n_ss) !p.multi = [0,1,2] plot,xy(0,ss),xy(1,ss),psym=1,$ tit = 'S/C W.........filcon1.........S/C E',yr=[500,650],xr=[300,800] oplot,[xy(0,ss(n_ss-1)),xy(0,ss(n_ss-1))],$ [xy(1,ss(n_ss-1)),xy(1,ss(n_ss-1))], psym=4,symsiz=3,color=7 oplot,[xy(0,ss(n_ss-2)),xy(0,ss(n_ss-2))],$ [xy(1,ss(n_ss-2)),xy(1,ss(n_ss-2))], psym=4,symsiz=3,color=7 ss = where(gt_filtb(rm_sfc) eq bfil2 and gt_filta(rm_sfc) eq afil2, n_ss) plot,xy(0,ss),xy(1,ss),psym=1,$ tit = 'S/C W..........filcon2........S/C E',yr=[500,650],xr=[300,800] oplot,[xy(0,ss(n_ss-1)),xy(0,ss(n_ss-1))],$ [xy(1,ss(n_ss-1)),xy(1,ss(n_ss-1))], psym=4,symsiz=3,color=7 !p.multi = 0 endif else begin if !d.name ne 'TEK' then wdef,0,800,400 !p.multi = [0,2,1] ss = where(xy(0,*) gt 530 and xy(0,*) lt 545, n_ss) plot,xy(0,dum_fc2),xy(1,dum_fc2),psym=1,yr=[550,610],xr=[530,545],/nodata oplot,xy(0,dum_fc2),xy(1,dum_fc2),psym=1, color=9 if n_ss ge 5 then begin for j = 0, 4 do begin oplot,[xy(0,ss(n_ss-5+j)),xy(0,ss(n_ss-5+j))],$ [xy(1,ss(n_ss-5+j)),xy(1,ss(n_ss-5+j))], psym=4,symsiz=4 endfor endif oplot,xy(0,dum_fc1),xy(1,dum_fc1), psym = 1,color=2 utplot, rm_sfc, xy(1,*),psym=1,lines=1,xstyle=2, ystyle=2, yr=[550,610] ; outplot,['12-dec-96','12-dec-96'],[0,700],lines=1 ; outplot,['17-apr-97','17-apr-97'],[0,700],lines=1 ; outplot,['14-may-97','14-may-97'],[0,700],lines=1 ; outplot,[' 4-jun-97',' 4-jun-97'],[0,700],lines=1 ; outplot,['18-jun-97','18-jun-97'],[0,700],lines=1 ; outplot,['16-aug-97','16-aug-97'],[0,700],lines=1 ; outplot,[' 3-sep-97',' 3-sep-97'],[0,700],lines=1 ; outplot,['21-oct-97','21-oct-97'],[0,700],lines=1 ; outplot,['22-dec-97','22-dec-97'],[0,700],lines=1 outplot,[ '4-mar-98', '4-mar-98'],[0,700],lines=1 outplot,[ '31-mar-98', '31-mar-98'],[0,700],lines=1 outplot,[ '11-may-98', '11-may-98'],[0,700],lines=1 outplot,[ '18-may-98', '18-may-98'],[0,700],lines=1 outplot,[ '4-jun-98', '4-jun-98'],[0,700],lines=1 outplot,[ '6-jun-98', '6-jun-98'],[0,700],lines=1 outplot,[ '9-jul-98', '9-jul-98'],[0,700],lines=1 outplot,[ '23-jul-98', '23-jul-98'],[0,700],lines=1 if n_ss ge 5 then begin for j = 0, 4 do begin outplot, [rm_sfc(ss(n_ss-5+j)),rm_sfc(ss(n_ss-5+j))],$ [xy(1,ss(n_ss-5+j)),xy(1,ss(n_ss-5+j))], psym=4,symsiz=4 endfor endif !p.multi = 0 endelse endif print," The diamonds show the most recent SFC entries (all filters). " print," If they are at one extreme limit of the range, consider re-pointing " print," Yohkoh to keep up with the drift." print," " print," The left panel shows filters ",strtrim(gt_filtb(bfil1,/str)),$ "/",strtrim(gt_filta(afil1,/str))," (red) " print," and filters ",strtrim(gt_filtb(bfil2,/str)),"/",$ strtrim(gt_filta(afil2,/str))," (blue). " ;Made strings,29-jan-99 print," " if keyword_set(compare) then begin ; get_sfm_xy, '1-sep-96', !stime, xy_sfm wdef,1 ; plot,xy_sfm(0,*),xy_sfm(1,*),psym=4,symsi=2,xr=[525,550],yr=[570,610] ; oplot,xy_sfc(0,*),xy_sfc(0,*),psym=2,symsi=2 plot,xy_sfc(0,*),xy_sfc(1,*),psym=4,symsi=2,xr=[525,550],yr=[570,620] lastsfd,index,data,20,/notv xy_sfd = sxt_cen(index) oplot, xy_sfd(0,*), xy_sfd(1,*), psym = 2, symsi = 2,color=9 endif if keyword_set(set) then begin i = 9 lastsfd,index,data,20,/notv xy_sfd = sxt_cen(index) print,' ' print,"Showing the last ThinAl SFC's (. and *) and the last 10 SFD's (+) for reference" print,' ' while i lt 10 do begin i = i+1 wdef,1 thal = thinal_index(rm_sfc) plot,xy_sfc(0,thal),xy_sfc(1,thal),psym=3,xr=[530,545],yr=[540,620] oplot,xy_sfd(0,*),xy_sfd(1,*),psym=1 nn = n_sfc-1 oplot,[xy_sfc(0,nn),xy_sfc(0,nn)],[xy_sfc(1,nn),xy_sfc(1,nn)],$ psym=2 print,'Select best guess at current pointing' cursor,x1,y1,/data & print,x1,y1 pause print,'Select target' cursor,x2,y2,/data & print,x2,y2 pause pix = gt_pix_size() print,'Increment Euler angles (X, Y) by: ' print, (y2-y1)*pix, (x2-x1)*pix, ' arc sec' arrow,x1,y1,x2,y2,/data endwhile endif clearplot clear_utplot if keyword_set(qstop) then stop end