;+ ; NAME: ; TERM_FIDS ; PURPOSE: ; show where the SFC's are relative to the HXA fiducial marks ; CATEGORY: ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; term_fids ; INPUTS: ; OPTIONAL (KEYWORD) INPUT PARAMETERS: ; ROUTINES: ; calls JPW's program SHOW_HXAFID ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; makes a plot ; RESTRICTIONS: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; 25-Sep-98, written (HSH) ; 5-Jul-99, replaced FINDFILE (HSH) ; 19-Apr-00, hacked file-finding again (HSH) ;- pro term_fids,qstop=qstop ;infil = findfile('$DIR_SXT_SFC/sfc*') sfcs_t=file_list('$DIR_SXT_SFC','sfc*',/cd) sfcs=sfcs_t(sort(file2time(sfcs_t))) ;y2k infil = sfcs rd_roadmap,infil,rm tt = tim2dset(rm,'1-nov-97') rm = rm(tt:*) xy=sxt_cen(rm) plot,xy(0,*),xy(1,*),psym=1,xr=[450,600],yr=[500,750] show_hxafid,/over,/fill oplot,xy(0,*),xy(1,*),psym=2 if n_elements(qstop) ne 0 then stop end