;+ ; NAME: ; SXT_ARS_MAP ; PURPOSE: ; use RD_OBS to make an image of where SXT was watching - the ; idea is to see (a) where flares were, and (b) which AR is ; preferred by the SXT ARS algorithm for any given time range ; CATEGORY: ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; INPUTS: ; OPTIONAL (KEYWORD) INPUT PARAMETERS: ; OUTPUTS: ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; RESTRICTIONS: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; 29-Jun-99, written by HSH ;- pro sxt_ars_map, t1, t2, qstop = qstop if n_elements(t1) eq 0 then begin t2 = anytim(!stime)-9.*3600 t1 = anytim(t2 - 2.*24.*3600,/yo) t2 = anytim(t2,/yo) endif rd_obs,t1,t2,a,b,c,/sxtp,/quiet if n_elements(c) lt 2 then goto, bail img = intarr(1024,1024) nc = n_elements(c) dp_weight = [0,0,8,0,1] for i = 0,nc-1 do begin xy = gt_center(c(i)) x1 = xy(0)-c(i).shape_cmd(0)/2*2^gt_res(c(i)) if x1 lt 0 then x = 0 x2 = xy(0)+c(i).shape_cmd(0)/2*2^gt_res(c(i)) if x2 gt 1023 then x2 = 1023 y1 = xy(1)-c(i).shape_cmd(1)/2*2^gt_res(c(i)) if y1 lt 0 then y1 = 0 y2 = xy(1)+c(i).shape_cmd(1)/2*2^gt_res(c(i)) if y2 gt 1023 then y2 = 1023 cornx = [x1,x2,x2,x1,x1] corny = [y1,y1,y2,y2,y1] img(x1:x2,y1:y2) = img(x1:x2,y1:y2)+dp_weight(gt_dp_rate(c(i))) endfor cen = sxt_cen(t1) rr = get_rb0p(t1,/rad)/gt_pix_size() rad = 180/!pi xx = rr*cos(findgen(361)/rad) + cen(0) yy = rr*sin(findgen(361)/rad) + cen(1) for i = 0, 360 do img(xx(i),yy(i)) = max(img) rr = rr+1 xx = rr*cos(findgen(361)/rad) + cen(0) yy = rr*sin(findgen(361)/rad) + cen(1) for i = 0, 360 do img(xx(i),yy(i)) = max(img) rr = rr-1 xx = rr*cos(findgen(361)/rad) + cen(0) yy = rr*sin(findgen(361)/rad) + cen(1) for i = 0, 360 do img(xx(i),yy(i)) = max(img) wdef,0,256 tvscl,rebin(img,256,256) xyouts,10,30,/dev,fmt_tim(c(0))+' to ' xyouts,10,10,/dev,fmt_tim(c(nc-1)) out=tvrd() loadct,3 over tvlct,r,g,b,/get write_gif,'~hudson/public_html/org.gif',out,r,g,b bail: stop if keyword_set(qstop) ne 0 then stop end