;+ ; NAME: ; SXT2POS ; PURPOSE: ; dump the Yohkoh/SXT active-region selections ; CATEGORY: ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; sxt2pos, index ; sxt2pos, index, out ; INPUTS: ; an SXT index record. Takes the first of an array. ; OPTIONAL (KEYWORD) INPUT PARAMETERS: ; OUTPUTS: ; out is the coordinate array (4,6) = (sxt, heliographic, angular) ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; prints the coordinates ; RESTRICTIONS: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; 14-Jun-99, written by Hugh Hudson ;- pro sxt2pos, index, out info = gtab_roi(index(0)) out = fltarr(4,6) for i = 7,10 do begin sxt = [256-float(strmid(info(i),20,5)),float(strmid(info(i),15,5))]*4 out(i-7,0) = sxt(1)/4 out(i-7,1) = 256-sxt(0)/4 out(i-7,2:3) = conv_p2h(sxt,index(0)) out(i-7,4:5)= conv_p2a(sxt,index(0)) endfor print,' ' print,'Yohkoh ARS active-region ranking for '+fmt_tim(index(0)) print,' ' print,' Rank SXT coords Helio Angles' print,' ' for i = 0,3 do print,i+1,reform(out(i,*)),format='(i5,7x,3(2i5,7x))' print,' ' end