#!/bin/csh -f ############################################################################ # # Runs an IDL batch job under the SSW environment # # Calling Sequence: # ssw_batch IDLPROG [LOGFILE /date] # # 20-feb-1996 (S.L.Freeland) adapted to SSW from Yohkoh idl_batch # by Mons Morrison and Sam Freeland # 6-Oct-1997 (S.L.Freeland) derive $SSW from this script path if not set # explititly or via .cshrc (or /ssw not exist) # ############################################################################ if ( (!($?SSW)) && (-e /ssw) ) setenv SSW /ssw ###### derive $SSW from this script pathname if not otherwise defined #### if (!($?SSW)) then echo "No SSW environmental defined - inferring from this script path" set thisfile=$0 set head=`echo $thisfile:h` set tail=`echo $thisfile:t` while (( $head != "" ) && ($tail != "gen")) set thisfile=$head set head=`echo $thisfile:h` # work your way to the ...gen parent set tail=`echo $thisfile:t` end if ($tail == "gen") then setenv SSW "$head" else echo "Could not figure out environmental SSW... define and reexcute" exit endif endif set arglist=() setenv IDL_BATCH_NOFTP 1 # dont check for FTP errors unsetenv IDL_BATCH_REMOVE # default is not to remove set remove="0" foreach argn ($argv) switch ($argn) case /ftp: unsetenv IDL_BATCH_NOFTP breaksw case /mon: case /monitor: setenv IDL_BATCH_MONITOR 1 breaksw case /not case /notify setenv IDL_BATCH_NOTIFY 1 breaksw case /nonotify: case /nonot: unsetenv IDL_BATCH_NOTIFY breaksw case /nomon: case /nomonitor: unsetenv IDL_BATCH_MONITOR breaksw case /noftp: setenv IDL_BATCH_NOFTP 1 # dont check for FTP errors breaksw case /nounix: setenv IDL_BATCH_NOUNIX 1 # dont check for UNIX errors breaksw case /remove: set remove="1" # remove jobs/logs if success success breaksw case /noremove: set remove="0" breaksw default: set arglist=($arglist $argn) # pass on breaksw endsw end setenv IDL_BATCH_RUN $arglist[1] set IDL_BATCH_RUN = ($arglist[1]) if ($#arglist < 2) then set OUTFIL = "~/IDL_BATCH_RUN" else set OUTFIL = $arglist[2] endif if ($#arglist == 3) set OUTFIL = $OUTFIL`$SSW/gen/bin/date2fid` setenv IDL_BATCH_LOGFIL $OUTFIL unalias rm rm -f $OUTFIL source $SSW/gen/setup/setup.ssw >& $OUTFIL # ----------- slf 13-aug-93 - add idl env context setup section setenv ssw_nomore 1 # disable more-like behavior setenv ssw_nox 1 # not attached to an X-terminal setenv ssw_batch 1 # batch mode flag slf, 4-sep-1993 unsetenv ssw_fast # make it slow if batch, slf, 29-aug-94 unsetenv ssw_autobin # dont run binary startup # ----------- unalias csh csh -f $SSW/gen/setup/ssw_idl nox $SSW/gen/bin/idl_batch_run >>& $OUTFIL chmod 777 $OUTFIL # Sam Freeland - optionally run monitor program to check IDL log # for normal / abnormal termination (sends e-mail if problem) # if ($?IDL_BATCH_MONITOR) then set monitor_pro=$OUTFIL.pro set mailnorm=($?IDL_BATCH_NOTIFY) echo check_log, '"'$OUTFIL'"', mailnorm=$mailnorm ,remove=$remove, job='"'$IDL_BATCH_RUN'"' > $monitor_pro echo end >> $monitor_pro $ys/gen/script/idl_batch $monitor_pro $monitor_pro.log /nonotify /nomonitor /bin/rm -f $monitor_pro $monitor_pro.log else if ($?IDL_BATCH_NOTIFY) then echo "IDL_BATCH is done running program $1" | mail nitta hudson endif endif exit