;+ ; NAME: ; SFD_CDS ; PURPOSE: ; overlay CDS field of view on the most recent SFD ; CATEGORY: ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; sfd_cds, cds_cen, cds_fov ; sfd_cds, [0,0], [240,240] would be a standard FOV at disk center ; sfd_cds, cds_cen, cds_fov, /notv ; INPUTS: ; CDS parameters (see ; http://sohodb.nascom.nasa.gov/synoptic/.targets/soho_today.html) ; notv, when set, lets you put another box on the same image ; defaults to Sun center and an SXT 2x2 FOV ; OPTIONAL (KEYWORD) INPUT PARAMETERS: ; OUTPUTS: ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; RESTRICTIONS: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; HSH, written 24-Apr-97 ;- pro sfd_cds, cds_cen, cds_fov, qstop=qstop, notv = notv lastsfd,index,data,/notv if n_elements(cds_fov) eq 0 then cds_fov = [314,314]/2 if n_elements(cds_cen) eq 0 then cds_cen = [0,0] if keyword_set(notv) then begin lastsfd,index,data,/notv endif else lastsfd,index,data cds_cen = conv_a2p(cds_cen,index)/2 if keyword_set(notv) eq 0 then begin fact = gt_pix_size(gt_res(index)) endif else fact = 4.92 cds_fov = cds_fov/fact x0 = cds_cen(0)-cds_fov(0) x1 = cds_cen(0)+cds_fov(0) y0 = cds_cen(1)-cds_fov(1) y1 = cds_cen(1)+cds_fov(1) draw_boxcorn,x0,y0,x1,y1 if keyword_set(qstop) then stop end