;+ ; NAME: ; ROI2ANG ; PURPOSE: ; List the ARS-chosen ROI locations by angular coordinates ; CATEGORY: ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; roi2ang, ang ; roi2ang, /gif ; INPUTS: ; OPTIONAL (KEYWORD) INPUT PARAMETERS: ; index_in, time of reference (default to the LASTSFD index) ; helio, returns angles in heliographic coordinates ; plot, makes an annotated plot, suitable for clipping onto the Web ; gif, puts an image on the Web (/home/www/sxt_co/scratch/roi.gif) ; OUTPUTS: ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; /plot seizes IDL 0 ; RESTRICTIONS: ; /plot and /gif don't work archivally ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; 25-Jul-00, written by HSH ;- pro roi2ang, ang, index_in=index_in, helio=helio, $ plot = plot, gif = gif, qdebug=qdebug if n_elements(index_in) eq 0 then lastsfd,index_in,data,/notv index = index_in text = gtab_roi(index) pix = fltarr(2,4) for i = 0,3 do begin ns = fix(strmid(text(7+i),16,4)) ew = fix(strmid(text(7+i),21,4)) pix(*,i) = [256-ew,ns]*4 endfor ang = conv_p2a(pix,index) if n_elements(plot) ne 0 or n_elements(gif) ne 0 then begin wdef, 0 lastsfd,index,data,/nar ; tvscl, data ; xyouts,/dev,10,490,charsi=1.5,fmt_tim(index_in) ; sxt_grid,index_in,gridsep=10 for i = 0, 3 do plots, [pix(0,i),pix(0,i)]/2, $ [pix(1,i),pix(1,i)]/2, /dev, psym = 4, symsiz = 6 if n_elements(gif) ne 0 then begin loadct,15 tvlct,r,g,b,/get out = tvrd() write_gif,'/home/www/sxt_co/scratch/roi.gif',out,r,g,b endif endif if n_elements(helio) ne 0 then ang = conv_a2h(ang,index) if n_elements(qdebug) ne 0 then stop end