;+ ; NAME: ; QUICKSTRAY ; PURPOSE: ; look at last few days of SLS data for new leaks ; CATEGORY: ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; quickstray, index, data, days=-28 ; INPUTS: ; OPTIONAL (KEYWORD) INPUT PARAMETERS: ; side, output image size ; qstop, stops for debugging ; days, lookback time in days (negative!) ; (default is 14) ; OUTPUTS: ; index, the index variable for WDBAN images ; data, the total counts for the same (note - we don't get ; these during bakeouts, apparently) ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; makes a plot in the current window ; RESTRICTIONS: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; 5-mar-98, written (HSH) ; 18-jul-98, converted to procedure (HSH) ; 13-aug-98, changed hard paths to environment paths (DA) ; 22-aug-98, revised same (HSH) ; 17-apr-1999 - S.L.Freeland - subselect recent 14 days ; 9-may-1999, incorporated new WDBAN monitor images, along ; with an empirical factor to match (HSH) ; 6-aug-1999, fixed bug in xrange (HSH) ; 21-oct-1999, hack to include both channels of bifurcation in NaBan, ; top two channels in WdBan trifurcation. Also adjusted ; empirical scaling factors. (DMcK) ; 19-apr-2000, rehacked the "other" image plotting (HSH, sorry it's ugly) ; 28-sep-2000, added output and "days" keyword (HSH, AT) ; 7-nov-2001, moved Y range and added dotted lines so we don't miss any ; odd points (HSH) ;- pro quickstray, index_out, data_out, side = side, qstop = qstop, days=days if n_elements(days) eq 0 then days = -14 if days gt 0 then days = -days if n_elements(side) eq 0 then side = 512 wdef,0,side sfrs=newfiles(/sfr) infil=sel_filetimes(reltime(days=days),reltime(/now),sfrs) rd_roadmap,infil,rm rm1 = rm ss = where((gt_filta(rm1) eq 2 or gt_filta(rm1) eq 5) $ and gt_filtb(rm1) eq 1 and $ gt_percentd(rm1) eq 100 and gt_expmode(rm1) eq 1 and gt_res(rm1) eq 2) rd_xda,infil,ss,index,data naban = where(gt_filta(index) eq 2, n_naban) wdban = where(gt_filta(index) eq 5, n_wdban) tots = reform(total(total(sxt_decomp(data),1),1)) if n_naban ne 0 then begin nagood = where(tots(naban) gt 1e8) naother= where(tots(naban) gt 5e7 and tots(naban) lt 1e8, nanumb) ;DMcK 99oct21 endif if n_wdban ne 0 then begin wdgood = where(tots(wdban) gt 3.5e7) wdother= where(tots(wdban) gt 2.0e7 and tots(wdban) lt 3.5e7, wdnumb) ;DMcK 99oct21 endif if n_naban ne 0 then begin utplot,index(naban(nagood)),tots(naban(nagood)),index(0),psym=2,$ yr=[1e8,2e8],tit='Stray light monitor (NABAN)',$ xr=int2secarr(index) endif else begin utplot,index(wdban(wdgood)),tots(wdban(wdgood)),index(0),psym=-1,$ yr=[4.5e7,5.5e7],tit='Stray light monitor (WDBAN)',$ xr=int2secarr(index),lines=1 endelse index_out = index(wdban(wdgood)) data_out = tots(wdban(wdgood)) ;if nanumb ne 0 then $ ; outplot,index(naban(naother)),tots(naban(naother))*1.84,psym=2 ;factor = 1.29e8/4.29e7*1.015 ; empirical factor to plot WdBan and NaBan ; on same scale factor = 3.098 ; updated factor, DMcK 99oct21 ;outplot,index(wdban(wdgood)),tots(wdban(wdgood))*factor,psym=1 ;if wdnumb ne 0 then $ outplot,index(wdban(wdother)),tots(wdban(wdother))*1.717*factor,psym=1 ; 1.717 is empirical factor to bring two channels of the ; WdBan trifurcation onto the same plotting scale...DMcK 99oct21 timestamp if n_elements(qstop) ne 0 then stop end