;+ ; NAME: ; QUICKSTRAY ; PURPOSE: ; look at last few days of SLS data for new leaks ; CATEGORY: ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; quickstray ; INPUTS: ; before - the look-back time, in days ; side - ? a hook for some purpose ; OPTIONAL (KEYWORD) INPUT PARAMETERS: ; OUTPUTS: ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; opens a window, makes a plot ; RESTRICTIONS: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; 5-mar-98, written (HSH) ; 18-jul-98, converted to procedure (HSH) ; 13-aug-98, changed hard paths to environment paths (DA) ; 22-aug-98, revised same (HSH) ; 17-apr-1999 - S.L.Freeland - subselect recent 14 days ; 2-may-1999 - HSH tidied up the plot a bit ;- pro quickstray, before = before, side = side, qstop = qstop if n_elements(side) eq 0 then side = 512 if n_elements(before) eq 0 then before = 14 wdef,0,side sfrs=newfiles(/sfr) infil=sel_filetimes(reltime(days=-before),reltime(/now),sfrs) rd_roadmap,infil,rm rm1 = rm ss = where(gt_filta(rm1) eq 2 and gt_filtb(rm1) eq 1 and $ gt_percentd(rm1) eq 100 and gt_expmode(rm1) eq 1 and gt_res(rm1) eq 2) rd_xda,infil,ss,index,data tots = reform(total(total(sxt_decomp(data),1),1)) high = where(tots gt 1e8 and tots lt 1.5e8) low = where(tots gt 5e7 and tots lt 1e8) empirical_fact = 1.80 ; set 2-May-1999 tots(low) = empirical_fact * tots(low) good = where(tots gt 1e8 and tots lt 1.5e8) bad = where(tots gt 1.5e8, n_bad) tit = 'Recent stray-light level' if n_bad gt 4 then tit = 'Points out of range!!!' utplot,index(good),tots(good),psym=-1,$ lines=1,tit='Recent stray-light level',yr=[1.2e8,1.4e8] outplot,index(low),tots(low),psym=4 timestamp if keyword_set(qstop) then stop end