;+ ; NAME: ; QUICKSFC ; PURPOSE: ; presents the last few SFC images on the QUICK page ; CATEGORY: ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; quicksfc ; INPUTS: ; OPTIONAL (KEYWORD) INPUT PARAMETERS: ; bydate=bydate Causes last four sfcs created by ; the software; default is to show the last ; four times that sfcs were collected. ; qstop=qstop ; OUTPUTS: ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; makes a plot in the current window ; RESTRICTIONS: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; 26-feb-99, written (HSH), based on QUICKSTRAY ; 07-MAY-99, added bydate keyword, changed to file_list ; should see last four now (not last four - 1). ;- pro quicksfc, qstop = qstop, bydate=bydate ;infil = findfile('$DIR_SXT_SFC/sfc*') IF (1-keyword_set(bydate)) THEN bydate = 0 ELSE bydate = 1 infil = file_list(get_logenv('DIR_SXT_SFC'),'sfc*',/cd,bydate=bydate) rd_roadmap,infil,rm n_sfc = n_elements(rm) ss = n_sfc - 4 + indgen(4) rd_xda,infil(ss),-1,index,data strs = strarr(4) for i = 0,3 do strs(i) = fmt_tim(index(i))+' '+gt_filtb(index(i),/str)+$ ' '+gt_filta(index(i),/str) set_plot,'z' wdef,0,512 xx = [10,266,10,266] yy = [266,266,10,10] loadct,15 for i = 0, 3 do tvscl,rebin(data(*,*,i),256,256),i for i = 0, 3 do xyouts,xx(i),yy(i),/dev,strs(i) grid,2,2,256 timestamp img = tvrd() tvlct,r,g,b,/get IF (bydate eq 0) THEN BEGIN write_gif,'/0p/ftp/pub/scratch/sfcs.gif',img,r,g,b ENDIF ELSE BEGIN write_gif,'/0p/ftp/pub/scratch/sfcs_by_c_date.gif',img,r,g,b ENDELSE if n_elements(qstop) ne 0 then stop end