;+ ; NAME: ; QUICKATT ; PURPOSE: ; Look at last few days of ATT data for quality. The following ; interpretation applies: ; 4: good ; 2: bad ; 1: I don't know. We should ask Jean-Pierre. ; The occasional 2 values near start of orbit seem to coincide ; with UV flood and perhaps don't mean so much. ; CATEGORY: ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; quickatt ; INPUTS: ; SIDE determines the size of the plot ; OPTIONAL (KEYWORD) INPUT PARAMETERS: ; OUTPUTS: ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; makes a plot in the current window ; RESTRICTIONS: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; 5-mar-98, written (HSH) ; 12-May-98, extended interval to 3 days when necessary to ; allow operation over for weekend gaps. Beware ; New Year's! (HSH) ; 2-Jul-98, changed psym on plot (HSH) ; 18-jul-98, convertd to procedure (HSH) ; 5-aug-98, trapped on no ATT data (HSH) ; 13-aug-98, replaced hard paths with environment paths (DA) ;- pro quickatt, side=side, qstop=qstop if n_elements(side) eq 0 then side = 512 wdef,0,side ;infil = findfile('/yd3/reformat/sfr*') infil = findfile('$DIR_GEN_NEWDATA*/sfr*') tstart = anytim2ints(!stime,offset=-3600.*24) tstop = fmt_tim(anytim2ints(!stime,offset=-3600.*0.375*24)) rd_obs,tstart,tstop,a,b,c,/sxtp if n_elements(c) lt 10 then $ tstart = anytim2ints(!stime,offset=-3600.*2.375*24) rd_att,tstart,tstop,att if n_elements(att) le 1 then goto, bail utplot,att,att.status1,psym=3,yr=[1,5],lines=1,/fillsaa,$ title='4 legs GOOD, 2 legs BAD' fem_grid,/fillnight timestamp if n_elements(qstop) ne 0 then stop bail: end