;+ ; NAME: ; quick_plottrav ; PURPOSE: ; Display the ops PLOT_TRAV entries for the current year. ; ; CATEGORY: ; SXT_CO quick page support. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; quick_plottrav ; ; INPUTS: ; None. ; ; OPTIONAL (KEYWORD) INPUT PARAMETERS: ; None. ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; makes a plot in the current window ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; 18-Apr-00 (BNH) - Written ;- pro quick_plottrav, side=side if n_elements(side) eq 0 then side=512 wdef,0,side tstart = fmt_tim(anytim2ints(!stime,offset=-3600.*24*30*3)) tstop = fmt_tim(anytim2ints(!stime,offset=3600.*24*30*9)) plot_trav, /sxt, /ops, tstart, tstop, /nozoom if n_elements(qstop) ne 0 then stop end