;+ ; NAME: ; QUICK_DPE ; PURPOSE: ; Show the last few DPE values for checking ; CATEGORY: ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; quick_dpe ; INPUTS: ; OPTIONAL (KEYWORD) INPUT PARAMETERS: ; deltat, the look-back time limit (default 10,000 sec) ; OUTPUTS: ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; RESTRICTIONS: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; 15-Oct-99, written by HSH with JIK, LF consultation ; 8-Nov-99, fixed UTPLOT mistake (HSH) ; 15-nov-99, (PGS) modified logic test for n_elements(dag_f) gt 0 ; and n_elements(dag_h) ; 10-jan-99, (PGS) modified file_list to sort on two digit year, y2k. ; 21-Apr-00, (BNH) added a time stamp to the plot and titled the ; X-ray flux graph. ;- pro quick_dpe, deltat=deltat, qstop=qstop if n_elements(deltat) eq 0 then deltat = 1e4 !p.multi=[0,1,2] sprs_t = file_list('$DIR_SITE_NEWDATA','spr*',/cd) sprs = sprs_t(sort(file2time(sprs_t))) ;y2k (pgs) nn = n_elements(sprs) infil = sprs([nn-2,nn-1]) rd_roadmap,infil,rr if max(int2secarr(rr) gt deltat) then infil = infil(1) rd_roadmap,infil,rr fmt_timer,rr,t1,t2,/quiet dag_f = where(gt_filtb(rr) eq 3 and gt_dp_mode(rr) ne 9 and gt_res(rr) eq 0, num_dag_f) dag_h = where(gt_filtb(rr) eq 3 and gt_dp_mode(rr) ne 9 and gt_res(rr) eq 1, num_dag_h) if (num_dag_f gt 0) then begin utplot,rr(dag_f),gt_dpe(rr(dag_f)),psym=2,$ title='AlMg DPE values: * = Full, + = Half',xr=[t1,t2],rr(0) fem_grid if (num_dag_h gt 0) then outplot,rr(dag_h),gt_dpe(rr(dag_h)),psym=1 endif else begin utplot,rr(dag_h),gt_dpe(rr(dag_h)),psym=2,title='AlMg DPE values',$ xr=[t1,t2],rr(0) endelse rd_gxd,t1,t2,gxd,/goes10 utplot_io,gxd,gxd.lo,xr=[t1,t2], title = 'GOES X-ray flux' fem_grid timestamp ;plot_goes,t1,t2,/quiet,/fem,xr=[t1,t2] !p.multi=0 if keyword_set(qstop) then stop end