;+ ; NAME: ; QRT_ECLIPSE ; PURPOSE: ; record the August 1999 SXT eclipse as a movie of SFD images ; written to a specific Web page. If SFDs are not available, ; it uses SFRs with DPE = 19 from the pre-set time range ; CATEGORY: ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; qrt_eclipse ; INPUTS: ; none. It has hard-wired start and stop times ; t1 = '11-aug-99 08:48' ; t2 = '11-aug-99 09:04' ; intended to bracket the eclipse interval saved in Yohkoh data ; OPTIONAL (KEYWORD) INPUT PARAMETERS: ; test - does a similar patch of data w/o an eclipse (from Aug. 10) ; OUTPUTS: ; files written to /home/www/sxt_co/eclipse ; RESTRICTIONS: ; Only needs to be run by S. Shimojo and H. Hudson ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; 9-Aug-99, written (HSH) ; 11-Aug-99, added the SFR backup (HSH) ;- pro qrt_eclipse, test = test, qstop = qstop t1 = '11-aug-99 08:48' t2 = '11-aug-99 09:04' if keyword_set(test) then begin t1 = '10-AUG-99 16:52:35' t2 = '10-AUG-99 17:00:35' endif sfds = file_list('$DIR_SITE_NEWDATA','sfd9908*',/cd) rd_roadmap,sfds,rm tt1 = tim2dset(rm,t1) tt2 = tim2dset(rm,t2) if (tt2 - tt1) gt 10 then begin rd_xda,sfds,tt1+indgen(tt2-tt1),index,data endif else begin sfrs = file_list('$DIR_SITE_NEWDATA','sfr9908*',/cd) rd_roadmap,sfrs,rm ss = where(gt_dpe(rm) eq 19) tt1 = tim2dset(rm(ss),t1) tt2 = tim2dset(rm(ss),t2) if tt2 eq tt1 then begin print,'No data yet, try again later..." stop endif rd_xda,sfrs,ss(tt1)+indgen(ss(tt2)-ss(tt1)),index,data endelse ecl_dir = '/home/www/sxt_co/eclipse' loadct,3 ;over tvlct,r,g,b,/get set_plot,'z' wdef,0,256 tvscl,data(*,*,0) xyouts,10,10,/dev,charsi=1.5,fmt_tim(index(0)) out = tvrd(0) write_gif,'/home/www/sxt_co/eclipse/eclipse99_still.gif',out,r,g,b image2movie,/loop,/label,data,r,g,b,uttimes=index,$ movie_name='eclipse99_mov',$ outdir=ecl_dir,movie_dir=ecl_dir,/gif if keyword_set(qstop) then stop end