;+ ; NAME: ; OGNAME2EULER ; PURPOSE: ; Translate a standard name into Yohkoh Euler angles ; CATEGORY: ; Yohkoh ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; INPUTS: ; OPTIONAL (KEYWORD) INPUT PARAMETERS: ; OUTPUTS: ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; RESTRICTIONS: ; WARNING: ; The Euler angles are defined such that X increasing => S/C south ; Y increasing => S/C east ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; 13-Nov-1999, written by Hugh Hudson (constants from POINT_HEX2) ;- pro ogname2euler, ogname, euler, qstop=qstop ; ogxdir = strmid(ogname(1),0,1) ogxmin = float(strmid(ogname(1),1,4)) ogydir = strmid(ogname(0),0,1) ogymin = float(strmid(ogname(0),1,4)) ; if ogxdir eq 'E' then ogxmin = -ogxmin if ogydir eq 'S' then ogymin = -ogymin ; eulerx = ogxmin/60 + .031611 eulery = ogymin/60 - .079311 euler = [eulerx, eulery] ; if n_elements(qdebug) then stop ; end