; IDL Version 5.2 (OSF alpha) ; Journal File for hudson@isass0.solar.isas.ac.jp ; Working directory: /home/hudson/idl ; Date: Mon Jun 5 17:36:17 2000 ; ; Main program to follow the titles of OG32's in the archive. Makes a plot. ; infil = findfile('/f2p/com/yohkoh/opog/og32*') nn = n_elements(infil) tt = strarr(nn) xx = fltarr(nn) yy = fltarr(nn) for i = 0, nn-1 do begin org = rd_tfile(infil(i)) yyy = strmid(org(3),65,2) mm = strmid(org(3),68,2) dd = strmid(org(3),71,2) ttt = anytim(anytim(yyy+'/'+mm+'/'+dd),/yoh) ew = strmid(org(6),16,1) ew_val = float(strmid(org(6),17,4)) ns = strmid(org(6),22,1) ns_val = float(strmid(org(6),23,4)) if ew eq 'E' then ew_val = -ew_val if ns eq 'S' then ns_val = -ns_val ; print,ttt,' ',ew_val, ns_val tt(i) = ttt xx(i) = ew_val yy(i) = ns_val endfor !p.multi = [0,1,2] utplot,tt,xx,psym=2,ytit='Arc min',tit='Spacecraft X setting',xtit='' utplot,tt,yy,psym=2,ytit='Arc min',tit='Spacecraft Y setting',$ xtit='1999-2000' !p.multi = 0 end