;+ ; NAME: ; NEW_NORMAL_POINT ; PURPOSE: ; Generate a new OG#032 (dec) ; CATEGORY: ; Yohkoh ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; new_normal_point (no arguments) ; new_normal_point, ogname=['w.751','n1.76'] to force a starting point. ; This form must be used if the tohbans have not properly archived ; the current OG#032, in which case the automatic software will ; start from the wrong coordinates. The "ogname" variable is the ; two-element name of the currently running OG. ; new_normal_point, target = [500, 590] (21-Mar-00; the ; 11-Feb trial position was [500,592]) ; INPUTS: ; Current absolute coordinates, obtained from OG name ; OPTIONAL (KEYWORD) INPUT PARAMETERS: ; target, the desired CCD coordinates of sun center (default [520,590]) ; lookback, the number of SFDs in the comparison (default 20) ; nofile, disables filing the fax message ; direct, two-element array giving the SXT_CEN input directly, ie ; bypassing the automatic use of the most recent SFDs ; OUTPUTS: ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; RESTRICTIONS: ; hardwired to [520,590] target (see "target" keyword) ; WARNING: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; 19-Nov-1999, written by Hugh Hudson ; 29-Nov-1999, more documentation (HSH) ; 11-Feb-2000, added assignable target coordinates and fixed ; yet another Y2K bug (HSH, DMCK) ; 3-Mar-2000, hard-wired new coordinates (HSH) ; 21-Mar-2000, tweaked to [520, 590] because of Feb. 00 problems (HSH) ; 10-Apr-2000, added a keyword for the look-back image number in ; the SFD reference ; 7-Jun-2000, nofile and direct keywords added ;- pro new_normal_point, ogname=ogname, target=target, qdebug=qdebug, test=test, $ lookback=lookback, nofile=nofile, direct=direct ;if n_elements(target) eq 0 then target = [520,592] ; NP prior to 11-Feb-00 ;if n_elements(target) eq 0 then target = [500,592] ; NNP as of 11-Feb-00 if n_elements(target) eq 0 then target = [500,590] ; NNP as of 21-Mar-00 ; if n_elements(lookback) eq 0 then lookback = 20 ;infil = file_list('$DIR_SITE_NEWDATA','sfd*',/cd) infil = find_file('$DIR_SITE_NEWDATA/sfd*',/nodot) n_files = n_elements(infil) file_times = fltarr(n_files) for i = 0, n_files-1 do begin rd_xda,infil(i),0,index file_times(i) = anytim(index) endfor ss = sort(file_times) infil = infil(ss) rd_roadmap,infil,rm n_dat = n_elements(rm) rd_xda,infil,n_dat-21+indgen(lookback),index if n_elements(direct) eq 0 then begin print,' ' print,'The range of SFDs used to assess the current pointing is:' fmt_timer,index print,' ' endif xy = sxt_cen(index) if n_elements(direct) ne 0 then $ xy = [[direct(0),direct(1)],[direct(0),direct(1)]] xsigma = stdev(xy(0,*),xbar) ysigma = stdev(xy(1,*),ybar) perror1 = [xbar-target(0), ybar-target(1)]*2.46 perror = [-perror1(1), -perror1(0)] offset = [-7.14189,1.86672] if n_elements(test) ne 0 then perror = test if n_elements(ogname) eq 0 then ogname = get_ogname() ogname2euler, ogname, euler point_hex2,[-0.0458143-euler(0)+(offset(0) + perror(0))/3600,$ -0.0482259-euler(1)+ (offset(1)+perror(1))/3600],/name,/text ; print,'The OG name we worked from was: ',ogname print,'Please be sure that this is the current name of OG#032 (dec).' print,'The displacements calculated are ', -perror1/2.46,' pixels (EW, NS)',$ format='(a,f8.2,", ",f8.2,a)' print,'(positive means S/C to S and E).' if n_elements(nofile) eq 0 then write_point_archive if n_elements(direct) eq 0 then begin print,' ' print,'The range of SFDs used to assess the current pointing is:' fmt_timer,index print,' ' endif if n_elements(nofile) eq 0 then $ print,'Now mail the pointing request file to alias "point"' print,' ' if n_elements(qdebug) then stop ; end