;+ ; NAME: ; NEUPERT_PLOT ; PURPOSE: ; Make a standard plot of soft and hard X-ray light curves ; CATEGORY: ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; neupert_plot, t1, t2 ; neupert_plot,'25-aug 14:20','25-aug 15:00',$ ; /hxt,infil=infil,channel=0,/gif,back=.05 ; (where infil = "hda000825.1344", made the plot in 000901.html) ; INPUTS: ; OPTIONAL (KEYWORD) INPUT PARAMETERS: ; hxt forces HXT as the hard X-ray reference ; (default is the late lamented BATSE) ; infil=infil gets HXT counts (M1) from an HDA file ; logplot forces semilog plot ; bad, an array (e.g. 20+indgen(3)) that ; lists the HDA index entries not to be plotted ; channel, the HXT channel to be overplotted (M1 default) ; back, an empirical background level that you have to ; enter manually if you want a pretty plot ; gif, writes a gif version (and a thumbnail) ; OUTPUTS: ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; HINTS: ; This program is not very user-friendly! We often use it to ; illustrate science nuggets, but to get a really pretty plot ; probably means starting from scratch. ; The X-axis label is taken directly from what you put in the ; input line, so include spaces and capital letters if you want ; them ; RESTRICTIONS: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; 31-Aug-00, written by HSH ; 1-Sep-00, LF added elementary /ps, /eps switch ; 13-Nov-00, a fix and some documentation notes (HSH) ;- pro neupert_plot, tt1, tt2, hxt=hxt, qdebug = qdebug, infil = infil, $ logplot=logplot, bad=bad, channel=channel, back=back, gif=gif, ps=ps, $ eps=eps if not keyword_set(ps) and not keyword_set(eps) then window,0 if keyword_set(ps) or keyword_set(eps) then begin set_plot, 'ps' if keyword_set(ps) then device, file='~/neupert_plot.ps' if keyword_set(eps) then device, file='~/neupert_plot.eps',/encapsulated print, ' ' print, '(e)ps file will be written to ~/neupert_plot.(e)ps' print, '' endif loadct,0 over tvlct,r,g,b,/get if n_elements(channel) eq 0 then channel = 1 if n_elements(back) eq 0 then back = 0. if n_elements(tt1) eq 0 then tt1 = '12-may-97 04:30' if n_elements(tt2) eq 0 then tt2 = '12-may-97 06:00' if n_elements(infil) ne 0 then begin rd_roadmap,infil,rm fmt_timer,rm,t1,t2 endif else begin t1 = tt1 t2 = tt2 endelse if n_elements(hxt) eq 0 then begin rd_gbl,t1,t2,gbl if n_elements(gbl) lt 100 then begin print,"No BATSE data, defaulting to HXT - declare the file please" endif endif if n_elements(infil) ne 0 then begin rd_xda,infil,-1,hindex,hdata cts = ave_cts(hindex,hdata,time=time) endif rd_gxd,tt1,tt2,gxd if n_elements(gxd) lt 10 then rd_gxd,tt1,tt2,gxd,/goes10 utplot,gxd,gxd.lo/max(gxd.lo),yr=[0,1.1],yst=1,charsi=1.5,$ ytit="Normalized fluxes",tit="Hard and soft X-ray light curves",$ xtit=strmid(t1,0,10)+' UT' if n_elements(logplot) ne 0 then $ utplot_io,gxd,gxd.lo/max(gxd.lo),yr=[1e-2,1.1],yst=1,charsi=1.5,$ ytit="Normalized fluxes",tit="Hard and soft X-ray light curves",$ xtit=strmid(t1,0,10)+' UT' if n_elements(cts) eq 0 then begin outplot,gbl,gbl.channel1/max(gbl.channel1) endif else begin good = indgen(n_elements(hindex)) if n_elements(bad) ne 0 then good = kill_index(good, bad) outplot,time,cts(channel,*,good)/max(cts(channel,*,good))-back,hindex(0),psym=3 endelse if keyword_set(gif) then begin out=tvrd() write_gif,'neupert_plot.gif',out,r,g,b write_gif,'neupert_plot_thumb.gif',rebin(out,160,128),r,g,b endif if keyword_set(ps) or keyword_set(eps) then begin device, /close set_plot, 'x' endif if n_elements(qdebug) ne 0 then stop end