;+ ; NAME: ; NAR2COORD ; PURPOSE: ; generate SXT pointing information from the NOAA AR number ; CATEGORY: ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; INPUTS: ; time, the string time to rotate coordinates to ; name, the string name of the AR sought (defaults to the first) ; OPTIONAL (KEYWORD) INPUT PARAMETERS: ; angle allows input of angle coordinates ; /gif writes a .gif file to /home/www/sxt_co/obs_coord.gif ; instead of to X ; OUTPUTS: ; prints to screen and makes an image. The three verticals on ; the image correspond to the NAR time, the LASTSFD time, and ; the prediction time ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; RESTRICTIONS: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; 4-Apr-00, written (HSH) ; 6-Dec-00, added a frill (HSH) ;- pro nar2coord, time, name, gif = gif, qdebug = qdebug, angle = angle lastsfd,index,data,/notv rd_nar,index,index,/nearest,nar if n_elements(name) eq 0 then begin big = where(nar.area eq max(nar.area)) name = nar(big).noaa print,' ' print,'I have defaulted to NOAA # '+strtrim(string(name),1) endif ss = where(nar.noaa eq name) t1 = anytim(nar(ss)) t2 = anytim(index) t3 = anytim(time) deltat1 = (t2-t1)/86400. deltat2 = (t3-t1)/86400. latlon = nar(ss).location if n_elements(angle) ne 0 then latlon = conv_a2h(angle, time) pix0 = conv_h2p(latlon,index)/4. latlon1 = latlon latlon1(0) = latlon1(0)+13.5*deltat1 pix1 = conv_h2p(latlon1,index)/4. if n_elements(angle) ne 0 then pix1 = pix0 latlon2 = latlon latlon2(0) = latlon2(0)+13.5*deltat2 pix2 = conv_h2p(latlon2,time)/4. ang2 = conv_h2a(latlon2,time)/4. if n_elements(angle) ne 0 then pix2 = pix0 print,' ' print,"N/S ", fix(pix2(1)), " E/W ", fix(255-pix2(0)),$ ' At epoch'+fmt_tim(time), format='(a,i3,a,i3,a)' print,ang2 print,' ' if keyword_set(gif) then set_plot,'z' wdef,0,256 loadct,15 tvlct,r,g,b,/get img = rebin(data,256,256) img(*,pix1(1)) = 0 img(pix0(0),*) = 0 img(pix1(0),*) = 0 img(pix2(0),*) = 0 tvscl,rebin(img,256,256) if keyword_set(gif) then begin out=tvrd() write_gif,'/home/www/sxt_co/obs_coord.gif',out,r,g,b print,' ' print,'http://isass1.solar.isas.ac.jp/sxt_co/obs_coord.gif' print,' ' endif if !D.NAME eq 'Z' then set_plot,'x' if keyword_set(qdebug) then stop end