;+ ; NAME: ; lastksc ; PURPOSE: ; show last entry in the SXTSPT table command archive ; CATEGORY: ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; lastKSC ; INPUTS: ; OPTIONAL (KEYWORD) INPUT PARAMETERS: ; test, a look-back parameter (test=1 default) ; OUTPUTS: ; prints ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; RESTRICTIONS: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; 16-Jun-99, written by H. Hudson ; 18-Jul-99, added output and /noverb (HSH) ; 07-Nov-00, fixed typo in names(1) definition (DMcK & AkiT) ; 08-Dec-01, replaced /1p/ with /home/ in findfile arg. (DMcK) ;- pro lastksc, names, test = test, noverb=noverb, qstop=qstop if n_elements(test) eq 0 then test = 1 ;infil = findfile('/1p/sxt_co/KSC_commands/cmp*') infil = findfile('/home/sxt_co/KSC_commands/cmp*') nn = n_elements(infil) text = rd_tfile(infil(nn-test)) line = grep('"',text) names = strarr(7) names(0) = ' ' names(3) = ' ' names(6) = ' ' ;names(1) = strmid(line(1),11,64) names(1) = strmid(line(0),11,64) names(2) = strmid(line(0),75,strlen(line(0))-75) names(4) = strmid(line(1),11,64) names(5) = strmid(line(1),75,strlen(line(0))-75) if keyword_set(noverb) eq 0 then for i = 0,6 do print, names(i) if n_elements(qstop) then stop end