;+ ;NAME: ; ksc_commands ;PURPOSE: ; FTP the SXTSPT output from flare1 to a local machine ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; IDL> ksc_commands ; ;INPUTS: ;OPTIONAL INPUTS: ;OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: ;RESTRICTIONS: ; This routine is intended for use mainly by the SXT CO at ISAS ; ; ;HISTORY: ; 13-May-99, DMcK, written by way of hacking JRL's program GET_KSC_RAW ; 18-May-99, DMcK, generated output filenames ; 23-Nov-99, NVN, changed output filenames to reflect their creation times. ; 14-Feb-01, HSH, renamed output directory ;- pro ksc_commands, qstop=qstop ; Set up the ftp get directory: file1 = 'cmdlst' file2 = 'cmplst' node = 'flare1' user = 'yohkoh' & passwd = 'UchinoUra' indir = '/home/flare1/sxt/sxtspt/' ; Set up the output directory name: outdir0='/home/sxt_co/KSC_commands/' message,/info,'Will write data to: '+outdir0 ; Make sure the output directory exists: if not file_exist(outdir0) then begin message,/info,'Creating output directory: '+outdir0 spawn,'mkdir '+outdir0 if not file_exist(outdir0) then $ message,'Error -- Could not create output directory' endif rawdir = outdir0 ; Return the output directory home_dir = curdir() ; Save the current possition cd,outdir0 ; Generate output filenames arrmo=month_cnv(indgen(12)+1,/short) ftp_copy,file1,node,user,passwd,indir,dirlist=dirlist,/list str2=strcompress(dirlist(0)) arr2=str2arr(str2,' ') jmonth=where(arrmo eq arr2(5)) imonth=fix(jmonth(0))+1 cmonth=string(imonth,format='(i2.2)') tpresent=anytim2ints(!stime) epresent=anytim2ex(tpresent) ypresent=epresent(6) mpresent=epresent(5) if mpresent lt imonth then ypresent=ypresent+99 if ypresent le 91 then ypresent=ypresent+2000 else ypresent=ypresent+1900 yyyy=string(ypresent,format='(i4.4)') mo=cmonth dd=string(fix(arr2(6)),format='(i2.2)') hh=strmid(arr2(7),0,2) mn=strmid(arr2(7),3,2) outname1=file1+'.'+yyyy+mo+dd+'.'+hh+mn ; blah=anytim(!stime,/ccsds) ; yyyy=strmid(blah,0,4) ; mo=strmid(blah,5,2) ; dd=strmid(blah,8,2) ; hh=strmid(blah,11,2) ; mn=strmid(blah,14,2) str2=strcompress(dirlist(1)) arr2=str2arr(str2,' ') jmonth=where(arrmo eq arr2(5)) imonth=fix(jmonth(0))+1 cmonth=string(imonth,format='(i2.2)') tpresent=anytim2ints(!stime) epresent=anytim2ex(tpresent) ypresent=epresent(6) mpresent=epresent(5) if mpresent lt imonth then ypresent=ypresent+99 if ypresent le 91 then ypresent=ypresent+2000 else ypresent=ypresent+1900 yyyy=string(ypresent,format='(i4.4)') mo=cmonth dd=string(fix(arr2(6)),format='(i2.2)') hh=strmid(arr2(7),0,2) mn=strmid(arr2(7),3,2) outname2=file2+'.'+yyyy+mo+dd+'.'+hh+mn ;FIRST FILE ; Spawn the ftp command: ftp_copy,file1,node,user,passwd,indir,/get,/ascii,ftp_res=ftp_res,outfil=outname1 ; Should add a OUTFILE to this in order to change the name of the ; output, including the date+time of the ftp....DMcK print,ftp_res ; Report the ftp status ; Do a find file on the new files: new_files = findfile(outname1,count=count) if count eq 0 then print,'No files copied' else begin print,'Number of files copied = ',strtrim(count,2) print,new_files,format='(6(2x,a))' endelse ; SECOND FILE ftp_copy,file2,node,user,passwd,indir,/get,/ascii,ftp_res=ftp_res,outfil=outname2 print,ftp_res ; Report the ftp status new_files = findfile(outname2,count=count) if count eq 0 then print,'No files copied' else begin print,'Number of files copied = ',strtrim(count,2) print,new_files,format='(6(2x,a))' endelse ; Return to the original directory: cd,home_dir if keyword_set(qstop) then stop end