;+ ; NAME: ; GOES_TEK ; PURPOSE: ; plot GOES data for Yohkoh CO with Tek graphics ; CATEGORY: ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; goes_tek ; goes_tek, delta ; goes_tek, t1, t2 ; goes_tek, 24 (the default) ; INPUTS: ; delta = offset time in hours, ie for a 1-day plot do delta=24 (default) ; OPTIONAL (KEYWORD) INPUT PARAMETERS: ; ut_offset = puts in a correction for local time (Japan is 9) in the ; selection time (plot is still UT) ; fillsaa = puts SAA times on plot ; OUTPUTS: ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; RESTRICTIONS: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; HSH, written 3-Aug-96 ; HSH, ut_offset 6-Dec-96 ; HSH, evt_grid 24-Dec-96 ; TRM, Added GOES classifications and JST times, 1997-Feb-25 ; TRM, Added a call to clear_utplot since the UT plot configuration ; was left in a strange state. ; HSH, distinguished DP rates, 15-apr-97 ; HSH, added /fillsaa, 16-May-97 ; HSH, added horizontal lines 10-Oct-97 ; HSH, added /tek keyword 17-Oct-97 ; HSH, put in t1, t2 27-Jan-98 ; HSH, reverted to GOES-8 29-jul-98 ; HSH, fiddled with RD_GXD some more, 12-Sep-98 ;- pro goes_tek, t1, t2, ut_offset = ut_offset, fillsaa=fillsaa, tek=tek if n_elements(t1) eq 0 then begin delta = 24 endif else begin delta = t1 endelse linecolors if n_elements(ut_offset) eq 0 then ut_offset = 9 if n_elements(delta) eq 0 then delta = 24 if n_elements(t2) eq 0 then tstop = !stime str_delta = strtrim(string(delta),1) if n_elements(t2) ne 0 then begin tstop = t2 tstart = t1 endif else begin tstart = anytim2ints(!stime,offset=-3600.*(delta+ut_offset)) endelse rd_gxd,tstart,tstop,gxd,/five if n_elements(gxd) lt 10 then rd_gxd,tstart,tstop,gxd,/goes8,/five utplot_io, gxd, gxd.lo, tit='Last '+str_delta+' hours',$ yr=[1e-9,1e-3],color=5,/sav,xst=1 if keyword_set(tek) eq 0 then begin n_gxd = n_elements(gxd) yseed = fltarr(n_gxd) outplot,gxd,1e-8+yseed,lines=1 outplot,gxd,1e-7+yseed,lines=1 outplot,gxd,1e-6+yseed,lines=1 outplot,gxd,1e-5+yseed,lines=1 outplot,gxd,1e-4+yseed,lines=1 charsize=4. csize = convert_coord(!d.x_ch_size,!d.y_ch_size,/device,/to_normal) alevel=convert_coord(0.,1.e-8,/data,/to_normal) blevel=convert_coord(0.,1.e-7,/data,/to_normal) clevel=convert_coord(0.,1.e-6,/data,/to_normal) mlevel=convert_coord(0.,1.e-5,/data,/to_normal) xlevel=convert_coord(0.,1.e-4,/data,/to_normal) xyouts,!x.window(0)-csize(0)*charsize*2.5,alevel(1)-csize(1)*0.6*charsize/2.,'A',/normal,color=!d.n_colors-1,align=0.,charsize=charsize xyouts,!x.window(0)-csize(0)*charsize*2.5,blevel(1)-csize(1)*0.6*charsize/2.,'B',/normal,color=!d.n_colors-1,align=0.,charsize=charsize xyouts,!x.window(0)-csize(0)*charsize*2.5,clevel(1)-csize(1)*0.6*charsize/2.,'C',/normal,color=!d.n_colors-1,align=0.,charsize=charsize xyouts,!x.window(0)-csize(0)*charsize*2.5,mlevel(1)-csize(1)*0.6*charsize/2.,'M',/normal,color=!d.n_colors-1,align=0.,charsize=charsize xyouts,!x.window(0)-csize(0)*charsize*2.5,xlevel(1)-csize(1)*0.6*charsize/2.,'X',/normal,color=!d.n_colors-1,align=0.,charsize=charsize xy = convert_coord(!x.tickv,replicate(1.0e-3,n_elements(!x.tickv)),/data,/to_normal) for i=0,n_elements(!x.tickv)-1 do begin if (!x.tickname(i) NE '000') and (!x.tickname(i) NE '') then begin tstring = strmid(fmt_tim(anytim2ints(gxd(0),offset=!x.tickv(i)+3600.*9.)),11,5) xyouts,xy(0,i),xy(1,i)-csize(1)*1.6,tstring,/normal,align=0.5 endif endfor if delta le 48 then begin fem_grid,fillsaa=fillsaa rd_obs,tstart,tstop,a,b,c med = where(gt_dp_rate(b) eq 2, n_med) high = where(gt_dp_rate(b) eq 4, n_high) if n_med ne 0 then evt_grid,b(med),tickle=.025,tickpo=.77,color=4 if n_high ne 0 then evt_grid,b(high),tickle=.05,tickpo=.77,color=4 med = where(gt_dp_rate(c) eq 2, n_med) high = where(gt_dp_rate(c) eq 4, n_high) if n_med ne 0 then evt_grid,c(med),tickle=.025,tickpo=.7,color=9 if n_high ne 0 then evt_grid,c(high),tickle=.05,tickpo=.7,color=9 flare = where(gt_dp_mode(c) eq 9, n_flare) if n_flare ne 0 then evt_grid,c(flare),tickle=.075,tickpo=.86,color=12 endif endif clear_utplot end