;+ ; NAME: ; GOES2DPE ; PURPOSE: ; Assess the GOES flux level and recommend AEC settings for SXT. ; This is meant to be an empirical thing, so please improve the ; algorithm if you are getting screwy results. ; CATEGORY: ; goes2dpe ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; INPUTS: ; OPTIONAL (KEYWORD) INPUT PARAMETERS: ; test samples the most recent actual SXT data ; OUTPUTS: ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; RESTRICTIONS: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; HSH, written 27-Jul-97 ; 14-Sep-98, workaround for RD_GXD problem (HSH) ;- pro goes2dpe, t_ref, test=test, qstop = qstop dpe = intarr(2,4) ; ; dpe(0,*) is the GOES estimates ; dpe(1,*) is the SXT actuals ; if n_elements(t_ref) ne 0 then begin t_start = anytim2ints(t_ref,off = -24*3600.) t_end = anytim2ints(t_ref) endif else begin t_start = anytim2ints(!stime,off=-(33*3600.)) t_end = anytim2ints(!stime,off=-(9*3600.)) endelse rd_gxd,t_start,t_end,gxd,/goes10 if n_elements(gxd) lt 10 then rd_gxd,t_start,t_end,gxd,/goes8 n_data = n_elements(gxd) sigma = stdev(gxd.lo,goes_mean) fmt_timer,gxd,t1,t2 rd_obs,t1,t2,a,b,c,/sxtp,/quiet ss_al = where(gt_filtb(c) eq 2 and gt_expmode(c) eq 0 and gt_res(c) eq 0,n_al) ss_da = where(gt_filtb(c) eq 3 and gt_expmode(c) eq 0 and gt_res(c) eq 0,n_da) if n_al ne 0 then org_al = stdev(gt_dpe(c(ss_al)),mean_al) else org_al = 0. if n_da ne 0 then org_da = stdev(gt_dpe(c(ss_da)),mean_da) else org_da = 0. if keyword_set(test) then begin print,n_data,goes_mean,sigma if n_al ne 0 then print,n_al,stdev(gt_dpe(c(ss_al)),mean_al),mean_al if n_da ne 0 then print,n_da,stdev(gt_dpe(c(ss_da)),mean_da),mean_da endif if n_al ne 0 then dpe(1,2) = fix(mean_al) else dpe(1,2) = fix(mean_da)-2 if n_da ne 0 then dpe(1,3) = fix(mean_da) else dpe(1,3) = fix(mean_al)+2 dpe(1,3) = dpe(1,2)+2 dpe(0,2) = 21 - 5 * (8 + alog10(goes_mean)) dpe(0,3) = dpe(0,2)+2 format = '(a,3x,i2,a,i2)' print,' ' print,'Recommended initial exposure settings for PFIs:' print,' ' print,' GOES SXT' print,' ' print,'Thin Al F', format=format,dpe(0,2),' ',dpe(1,2) print,'Dagwood F', format=format,dpe(0,3),' ',dpe(1,3) print,' ' print,'Thin Al H', format=format,dpe(0,2)-4,' ',dpe(1,2)-4 print,'Dagwood H', format=format,dpe(0,3)-4,' ',dpe(1,3)-4 if keyword_set(qstop) then stop end