;+ ; NAME: ; GET_OGNAME ; PURPOSE: ; Get the latest OG#032 (dec) OG listing from flare22 ; and parse its name ; CATEGORY: ; Yohkoh ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; INPUTS: ; OPTIONAL (KEYWORD) INPUT PARAMETERS: ; OUTPUTS: ; strarr(2), e.g. ['W1.52','N2.02'] ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; RESTRICTIONS: ; WARNING: ; This is hardwired to search /f2p/com/yohkoh/opog for the latest ; entry for OG#032 (dec), which is the normal pointing OG. Success ; depends upon the use of this archive, which may not be complete ; if tohbans screw up. It interprets the OG file positionally as ; text, so its success also depends upon the format. ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; 19-Nov-1999, written by Hugh Hudson ; 3-Mar-2000, fixed order bug (HSH) ;- function get_ogname, qstop=qstop ; infil = file_list('/f2p/com/yohkoh/opog','og32*',/cd) n_fil = n_elements(infil) tt = strarr(n_fil) for i = 0,n_fil-1 do begin yy = strmid(infil(i),26,2) if strmid(yy,0,1) eq '0' then begin yy = '20'+yy endif else begin yy = '19'+yy endelse mm = strmid(infil(i),29,2) dd = strmid(infil(i),32,2) tt(i) = anytim(yy+'/'+mm+'/'+dd) endfor latest = where(tt eq max(tt)) isort = sort(tt) text = rd_tfile(infil(latest)) ew = strmid(text(6),16,5) ns = strmid(text(6),22,5) if keyword_set(qstop) then stop return, [ew, ns] end